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"Well, las' Monday I 'uz pass'n by one o' dem places in fourth street whah deh sticks up runaway nigger bills, en he'ps to ketch 'em, en I seed my marster! I 'mos' flopped down on de groun', I felt so gone. He had his back to me, en 'uz talkin' to de man en givin' him some bills nigger bills, I reckon, en I's de nigger. He's offerin' a reward dat's it. Ain't I right, don't you reckon?"

She was grinning in the dim light that drifted through dust-stained panes. She beckoned to him with a smudged forefinger. "Ah, Jimmie, what do yehs t'ink I got onto las' night. It was deh funnies' t'ing I ever saw," she cried, coming close to him and leering. She was trembling with eagerness to tell her tale.

He disclosed his teeth and his shoulders heaved restlessly. "You fellers can't guy me," he said. "Drink yer stuff an' git out an' don' make no trouble." Instantly the laughter faded from the faces of the two men and expressions of offended dignity immediately came. "Who deh hell has said anyt'ing teh you," cried they in the same breath. The quiet stranger looked at the door calculatingly.

This in a measure was accomplished by the dismounted fire of the troopers, and the retirement was distinguished by the steady coolness displayed by Cough's men and Neville's Bengal Lancers. Deh Mazung was reached, but no Highlanders had as yet reached that place.

"Don't be fresh, now," said the waiter, with some warmth, as he departed. "Ah, git off deh eart'," said Pete, after the other's retreating form. Maggie perceived that Pete brought forth all his elegance and all his knowledge of high-class customs for her benefit. Her heart warmed as she reflected upon his condescension.

Flanking his march through the Cabul gorge with two companies of the 67th who stalled off a rush of ghazees from the Asmai crest, he continued his march through the suburb of Deh Afghan, his baggage in front under a strong guard. Some few shots were exchanged before the suburb was cleared, but the casualties were few and presently the brigade entered the cantonment.

"Yeh'll fergive her, Mary! Yeh'll fergive yer bad, bad, chil'! Her life was a curse an' her days were black an' yeh'll fergive yer bad girl? She's gone where her sins will be judged." "She's gone where her sins will be judged," cried the other women, like a choir at a funeral. "Deh Lord gives and deh Lord takes away," said the woman in black, raising her eyes to the sunbeams.

"Well, deh blokie he says: 'T'hell wid it! 'Deh hell, I says. Like dat! 'Deh hell, I says. See? 'Don' make no trouble, I says. Like dat. 'Don' make no trouble. See? Dat's what he said. See?" "Sure," repeated Jimmie. Pete continued. "Say, I jes' jumped deh bar an' deh way I plunked dat blokie was great. See? Dat's right! In deh jaw! See? Hully gee, he t'rowed a spittoon true deh front windee.

Baggs exclaimed, burning with impatience, balked desire; he half carried him brusquely to his bed. Yet, under the old man's fluctuating tuition, he actually began the Serenade within twenty-four hours. "Deh vieni alla finestra," French Janin pronounced. "Deh vieni " Harry Baggs struggled after him.

He could hear the hum of half-a-dozen voices in a room near him, and the jingling harmonies of a set of variations in Deh Conte, upon a piano, whose every wire was evidently in the last stage of attenuation. He had waited for about a quarter of an hour, when the door was opened, and a lady, very much dressed, and with the setting sunlight of faded beauty upon her face, entered the room. "Mr.