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And then I came on a cluster of lochs grey, cold, vagrant lochs still to some degree in the thrall of frost Here's one who has ever a fancy for such lochans, that are lost and sobbing, sobbing, even-on among the hills, where the reeds and the rushes hiss in the wind, and the fowls with sheeny feather make night and day cheery with their call But not those lochs of Rannoch, those black basins crumbling at the edge of a rotten soil.

And the same would seem to be true of the American Indians. Of the Patagonians it is said: "A lie with them is held in detestation." "The word of a Hottentot is sacred;" and the good quality of "a rigid adherence to truth," "he is master of in an eminent degree." Dr. Livingstone says that lying was known to be a sin by the East Africans "before they knew aught of Europeans or their teaching."

There he organized all that students organize, and was called in at last by the Bursar of his college to reorganize the commissariat, which he did with such success that the college saved five thousand dollars a year. He had genius, the college people said, and after he had taken his degree with honours in classics and mathematics they offered him a professorship at two thousand dollars a year.

"Is there one Watson, of Martha's Vineyard, shipped in that craft?" "He was aboard here for a week, but left us suddenly. As he did not sign articles, I cannot say that he run." "He changed his mind, then," returned the other, as one expresses a slight degree of surprise at hearing that which was new to him.

Her eyes were a degree darker, and had a life and fire in them which was very beautiful: but yet her impatience on the least contradiction often brought a fierceness into her eyes, and gave such a discomposure to her whole countenance, as immediately took off your admiration.

The country Boers were little affected, some of them not at all, but the Pretoria Government became a most corrupt oligarchy, venal and incompetent to the last degree.

"But I can't imagine how you ever came to take up such notions." "May I ask again, why not I?" "O you know you have so much to make you otherwise." "What degree of present contentment ought to make one satisfied to leave that of the limitless future an uncertain thing?" "Do you think it can be made certain?"

This is one of the Alpine beauties, which, of course, is: beyond the power of art to imitate, and which people are therefore apt to ignore. But it is not the only one to be seen on the high summits. It is often said that these views are not "beautiful" apparently because they won't go into a picture, or, to put it more fairly, because no picture: can in the faintest degree imitate them.

It admits them to political power, not as, under better institutions, they would be admitted to power, erect, independent, unsullied; but by means which corrupt the virtue of many, and in some degree diminish the authority of all. Could any system be devised, better fitted to pervert the principles and break the spirit of men formed to be the glory of their country?

When the first wild bursts of wonder and joy had subsided, and some degree of quiet had been restored to the village, he related to his people the account of his adventures.