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But for all that she held up her head like the deer in the Lord Lieutenant's park, and her pride was enough for a queen, and too much for a poor lady walking the Dublin streets and holding her skirt up out of the mud. But it was the two she had with her that any lady might be proud of.

The skins, easily tanned, were of immense value in their subsequent lodgings. The next morning, the 14th, the sun rose in a cloudless sky. The prairie seemed spread out for leagues before them, covered with herds of buffaloes and deer, while immense flocks of turkeys and other birds of the prairie rose before them.

As this point was the most exposed on the whole line, twenty-one soldiers were stationed here; at sunset they returned from hunting, bringing with them seven deer, three ostriches, and many armadilloes and partridges.

Swiftly up under the shadow of the elm avenue, past the herds of dappled deer, up to the broad graveled terrace which ran along in front of the brave old house. And there, beneath the dark wild porch, above the group of servants that stood upon the steps to receive their master, was Alice, with her son and daughter beside her, waiting to welcome us, with the happy sunlight on her face.

"An Indian chief of the Delaware tribe, who visited the governor of Virginia, during the Revolution, informed him that it was a tradition handed down from their fathers, that in ancient times a herd of these tremendous animals came to the Big-bone Licks, and began a universal destruction of the bear, deer, elk, buffalo, and other animals, which had been created for the use of the Indians.

'Reynold Greenleaf, cried the Sheriff, 'what are you doing here, and where have you been? 'I have been in the forest, where I saw a fair hart of a green colour, and sevenscore deer feeding hard by. 'That sight would I see too, said the Sheriff.

Every day they went out in the winter's storms every night they came in laden with deer and buffaloes. The people learned to live on nothing but meat. Boone and Harrod drove away all thoughts of starvation. They had, however, this one comfort: the cold weather kept the Indians at home. They had no disturbances throughout the winter from them.

He was feeding peaceably on blueberries, just stuffing himself with the ripe fruit that tinged with blue a burned hillside, when I came round the turn of a deer path. There he was, the mighty, ferocious beast and my only weapon a trout-rod! We discovered each other at the same instant. Words can hardly measure the mutual consternation.

But twenty feet away was the spot where the cougar had come down on all-fours, only to leap forward again like a ricochetting cannon-ball; and twenty-five feet farther lay the greater part of the carcass of a deer. The Kitten stuffed himself as full as he could hold, and then climbed a tree and watched.

The countess had brought her deer to a pretty market; but, unhappily, she gained little by the bargain compared with what she had dreamed. She had a brother-in-law who had acted very differently from her husband. Instead of playing the patriot and the fool he had submitted to the tyrant and won a lucrative post at St. Petersburg.