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I asked her what people they had known and she said, Oh! very nice ones the Cavaliere Bombicci and the Contessa Altemura, with whom they had had a great friendship. Also English people the Churtons and the Goldies and Mrs. Stock-Stock, whom they had loved dearly; she was dead and gone, poor dear.

I will try to do what you tell me, for I am wearied and worn out with my stagnant and miserable life. Pity me, Mr. Samuel, my honoured and dear friend, for my pirn is almost run out, and I am not near saved. 'My worthy and dearly beloved brother in the Lord, replied Rutherford to Fleming, 'I dare not take it upon me to lay down rules and directions for your inner life.

"I think I can furnish all the information you wish in that line," returned the captain, laying a kindly hand on the young man's shoulder, "for hardly an hour ago she told me as she has many times before that she loved no one else in the wide world half so dearly as her father." "Well, sir, I am glad of it, since you won't let me speak yet," said Percy with a rueful sort of smile.

My dear, good, generous John, when we were talking the other night about the Cricket, I had it on my lips to say, that at first I did not love you quite so dearly as I do now; when I first came home here, I was half afraid that I mightn't learn to love you every bit as well as I hoped and prayed I might being so very young, John! But, dear John, every day and hour I loved you more and more.

"But," said Celia, "does it therefore follow that you should love his son dearly? for then I ought to hate him, for my father hated his father; yet I do not hate Orlando."

I would gladly be moral and keep due metes and bounds, which I dearly love, and allow the most to the will of man; but I have set my heart on honesty in this chapter, and I can see nothing at last, in success or failure, than more or less of vital force supplied from the Eternal." The Essay on "Character" requires no difficult study, but is well worth the trouble of reading.

Duveen possessed the personality of a chameleon, readily toning with any background; but intellectually she was never present. Why Michael Duveen had selected such a mate was a mystery which Flamby, who loved her mother the more dearly for her helplessness, could never solve.

Her chauffeur was not the faithful Crane, but an Italian, who dearly loved making her late. Charles, watch in hand, though with a level brow, was standing in front of the hotel when they returned. It was perfectly all right, he told her; she was by no means the last.

Talcott, and this is Sam Wells of Cerro Gordo, one of the most remorseless jokers in the House. Look out for him!" After shaking hands all about, Bradley hastened to say, "Don't let me interrupt. Go on, senator. I want to listen." This made a fine impression on the senator, who loved dearly to hear the sound of his own voice.

"If your boy is not to have the love of a mother, he shall have that of a father instead. I shall love him dearly and be a true father to him." As I said this, she broke into passionate sobbing, and, crouching down at my feet, she threw her arms around my knees and wept bitterly. "No," said she, "do not lift me up, for my confessions are not yet ended. I have asked you for mercy heretofore.