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She would naturally desire that the Miss Guests should behave kindly to this cousin of whom she was so fond, and Stephen would make a great fuss if they were deficient in civility. Under these circumstances the invitations to Park House were not wanting; and elsewhere, also, Miss Deane was too popular and too distinguished a member of society in St.

John Adams, going out to replace Silas Deane, crossed him on the passage, arriving at Bordeaux on March 31, 1778. This ardent New Englander, orderly, business-like, endowed with an insatiate industry, plunged headlong into the midst of affairs.

"I am perfectly willing she should take care of little Ella," answered the previously instructed Mrs. Deane, who, in a measure, shared her daughter's ambitious designs; "but it must be done here, if at all. I can't suffer her to remain alone with those gossiping servants." "Oh, yes!" exclaimed Eugenia, speaking as if this were the first she had heard of it. "That is a good idea.

At Valley-Forge, M. de Lafayette found some difficulty not from the substance, but merely from the form of the oath; but that difficulty was easily obviated. A short time after, Simeon Deane arrived with the treaty of commerce between France and the United States. By quitting France in so public a manner, M. de Lafayette had served the cause of the revolution.

"Why, what would you have her do?" asked Ella, her large blue eyes growing larger and bluer. "I hardly know myself," answered Mr. Hastings; "but it seems to me that a genuine woman could not sit day after day in such a disorderly room as this." "Oh, Howard!" exclaimed Ella, "you surely cannot expect Eugenia Deane to do a servant's duty.

"What, Jack Deane, don't you know me?" "Yes," said Jack, at last, wringing him by the hand; "but I should not have recognised you in that dress and with that ugly cut down your cheek, if I did not remember your voice." "Yes; I have seen some service already," answered the seaman. "I have a bullet through my leg, and this pretty little remembrance on my cheek; but it's what we have to expect.

"Can you picture that covered with a stand of alfalfa hay?" he asked. The girl nodded. "Yes and cut and cured and in the stack yards," she said. "And a straight red run of Three Bar cows wintering under fence." Harris wondered if her new contentment came wholly from the progress the Three Bar was making or was derived partly from the presence of Carlos Deane.

It was still broad daylight, though the fresh air of evening was already blowing through the windows. Mrs Deane therefore proposed to her female guests that they should enjoy the breeze for a while on the Castle Terrace, which was the usual promenade of the gay world of Nottingham, and there was a general call for hoods and gloves.

Had Iris guessed how her father was tormented, she would not have remained on the bridge, radiant and mirthful, whilst the grey-haired baronet gazed with stony-eyed despair at some memoranda which he extracted from his papers. "Ten thousand pounds!" he muttered. "Not a great sum for the millionaire financier, Sir Arthur Deane, to raise on his note of hand.

As soon as Deane saw that he could reach them without running the risk of encountering the pirates, he determined to place Elizabeth on board them. "If we stay here, we shall very probably fall in with the buccaneers, who are likely to fly to this rock in the hope of defending themselves. Our way is now clear to the boats, and I will carry you there," he said, taking Elizabeth's arm.