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I jes' felt it in my bones las' night how 'twas wid you, an I 'lowed how I'd see you dis mawnin', an' den he began to go on as ef you was nothin' but white folks stid ob my deah honey lam' dat I nussed till you was like my own chile. But he won' do so no mo'." "Oh, Aun' Sheba, believe me, I don't wish to interfere with any of your duties to him," began Mara earnestly.

Yours truly, F. S. W.! Fly Speck on the Wall!" She was lost for a moment in the consideration of herself reduced to a negligible dot, and Gerald, too angry to talk, thought hydrophobia thoughts in silence. In these he was disturbed by the sound of her trying in a murmur to speak like Antonia, and hitting off the Englishwoman's pronunciation rather successfully. "Deah Madam!

"Oh, no-o-o; not exactly; a beautiful girl, certainly; but oh, I could have made pincushions of some of those pudgy women, nibbling wafers, and delivering themselves of lukewarm appreciations! 'Too tall' 'too short' 'too dark' 'too light'; 'I like your height bettah, my deah. Helen, you dairymaid, powder! Plaster over that 'essentially improbable' colour." Mrs.

"I don't know what he wants of another girl, unless it is for Len and Hector to tease." "I thought you liked Len?" "He used to be nice, but since he's began going to scollege, he's horrid. He saw me yesterday morning in Cherry's dress, 'cause I tore my last clean one; and he bugged his two eyes out like he was awfully s'prised, and said, 'Mah deah child, yoah dress is too long!

"All night, you say, seh? Then we miss ouh Denver connections?" "You can bet to win on that," was the curt reply. "Damn!" said the ruddy-faced gentleman; and then in a lower tone: "I beg your pahdon, my deah Virginia; I was totally unaware of your presence." Winton threw off his overcoat.

Marse Marcy he come home a purpose to go into our army; and his mother she cried and cried, and pooty quick she say: 'My deah boy, dat man Linkum mus' be whopped; dat am de facs in de case'; and den she slap him on de back and sick him on. Yes, sar. I done see dat wid my own two eyes dis bery day."

If people who haven't got quite the same position are gentlefolk, and amusing, or clever, or beautiful, or anything like that which really matters, why, we're only too pleased with them." "That's all the difference in the world! You've been 'sure of yourselves for centuries. You've said the last word, my deah.

Young ladies wearing on just one hair the latest of bonnets, and elaborated with costly silks and ribbons; tender gentlemen of the silver-headed cane school and the "my deah fellah" region; quiet substantial looking men of advanced years, who believe in good breeding and properly brushed clothes; elderly matrons, "awfully spiff" as Lady Wortley Montague would say; and a few well-disposed tradespeople who judiciously mingle piety with business, and never make startling noises during their devotional moments these make up the congregational elements of St.

"That party is charged with an offence against the Defence of the Realm Act," said the policeman, "with being, although a civilian, in possession of a flying machine, and er obstructin' 'Is Majesty's enemies in the performance of their dooty." "Oh deah, deah," said Richard. "Deah, deah, deah...." "Do either of you know the present whereabouts of the party?" persisted the policeman.

You could take the punt with the different people on board, and groups eating refreshments, and talking to each other on the lawn. My deah, you will amass fortunes! I'm jealous of you. I believe you will make far more than we shall with our tea."