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Was it Baby Blake and her moth-ah, now, ah?" and he smiled complacently, as if he had given me a fund of information. "Baby Blake!" I ejaculated in disgust "why, Horner, you're quite absurd. Do you take me for a fool? I think I ought to know Baby Blake as well as yourself by this time, my Solon!" "Yaas; but, my deah fellah, I don't know who you know, you know.

"What is it?" she asked. "Nothing my deah nothing at all. I was just wondering how a woman's ah sense of propo'tion was put togetheh. But your plan has merit. Do I understand that you will faveh me with your help?" "Why, ye-es, certainly, if I can," she assented, not without dubiety. "That is, I'll be nice to Mr. Winton." "That is precisely what I mean, my deah.

I shall name a few of these, so that you may recognize them when they appear farther on in my story; there were "Bink," Steve, Mac, Bob, Tom, Jack, Scottie, and also our "dear old Chappie"; the last-named was one of those quiet-going Englishmen who always mean what they say and who invariably addressed every one as "my deah chappie," but he was a good old scout and everybody liked him.

"Dress?" queried Sophy, looking down at the shiny front breadth of her frock. "Why? Don't you like it?" "Like it! No!" blurted Louie. "Don't yuh, rully! Deah me! Deah me! If I'd only knew that this morning. As a gen'ral thing I wear white duck complete down t' work, but I'm savin' my last two clean suits f'r gawlf."

I want to go with you." "But, son, there's goin' to be fight'n'. I'm goin' to try to p'vent it, but I shan't be able to. Why, if you was to get hurt, who'd eveh tell yo' po' deah mother? I couldn't. I jest couldn't! You betteh go 'long home, son." "I c-c-can't do it, father." "Why, air you that sick, son?"

Now, my name ain't exactly a Claude de Montmorency for prettiness, but "Barzilla" 'll fetch ME alongside a good deal quicker'n "my deah man," I'll tell you that. We frogged it up and down all the forenoon, but didn't git a shot at nothing but one stray "squawk" that had come over from the Cedar Swamp.

"And now," he gathered up the saddle-bags, "now faw the present!" John leaped his mother cringed. "Oh, Judge March before supper?" "Why, of co'se not, my love, if you " "Ah, Powhatan, please! Please don't say if I." The speaker smiled lovingly "I don't deserve such a rebuke!" She rose. "Why, my deah!" "No, I was not thinking of I, but of others. There's the tea-bell.

Then, perceiving that his business methods had been questioned, he drew himself up and frowned darkly. "Hoity-toity!" he sniffed with exaggerated concern. "Who th' hell is this, now? One of them little white-ribbon boys, fresh from the East, I bet ye, travellin' for the W. P. S. Q. T. H'm-m tech me not oh deah!"

In throth, they never came to ill that had it, an' never did good that got my curse! Hoop! do you hear how that rises the wind off o' my stomach! Houp! Deah Grasthias for that!" "How did you larn all the prayers an' charms you have, Darby?" inquired the bottle-holder. "It would take me too long to tell you that, avillish! But, childher, now that you're all together, make it up wid one another.

"An unprejudiced outsideh might say that the 'horrid men with their guns' were on top of that embankment, my deah ten to ouh one," he remarked. "But I should think we might win in some other way," Virginia persisted undauntedly. Mr. Darrah pushed his plate aside and cleared his throat.