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Linton had been listening to this conversation in silence. He had come to the senior day-room to borrow a book. He now slipped out, and made his way to Drummond's study. Drummond was in. Linton proceeded to business. "I say, Drummond." "Hullo?" "That man Stanning has come in. He's getting the senior day-room to rag Sheen's study." "What!" Linton repeated his statement.

I should say Comrade Downing ought to be satisfied with the high state of efficiency to which he has brought us. At any rate I hope " There was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, and Sharpe, a member of the senior day-room, burst excitedly in. He seemed amused. "I say, have you chaps seen Sammy?" "Seen who?" said Stone. "Sammy? Why?" "You'll know in a second. He's just outside.

It was under-ground, as they were, and had also the day-room for felons, already described, immediately over it. It was spacious and dreary. The door had not been opened for years; the air was putrid; and the walls hung round with damps and mildew. The fetters, the padlock, and the staple, were employed, as in the former case, in addition to which they put on me a pair of handcuffs.

The hold of tradition is very strong; in a few moments Gordon had flung aside his doubts and scruples. Arm-in-arm with Collins he rolled down to the day-room to look at the new boys. There were twelve of them in all, very frightened, very timid, huddled round the day-room fire, wondering what was before them.

Nobody took the slightest notice of him, only one person asked his name, and that was a small person of one term's standing who wanted to show that he was a power in the land. At last, however, the old cracked bell rang out for supper, and very thankfully he took his place among the new boys at the bottom of the day-room table.

"He's a witness," said Linton, grinning. Sheen got up. "Come on," he said. Linton came on. Down in the senior day-room the court was patiently awaiting the prisoner. Eager anticipation was stamped on its expressive features. "Beastly time he is," said Clayton. Clayton was acting as president. "We shall have to buck up," said Stanning. "Hullo, here he is at last. Come in, Linton."

"Shoving himself into other people's business," grumbled Pillingshot. "Trying to be funny," Berkeley summed up. "Rotten at cricket, too." "Can't play a yorker for nuts." "See him drop that sitter on Saturday?" So that was all right. As far as the junior day-room was concerned, Pillingshot felt himself vindicated. But his employer was less easily satisfied.

Gethryn always had the feeling that it was his duty to go and see what Monk and Danvers were doing, and tell them they mustn't. He had a profound belief in their irreclaimable villainy. In the second place, having studies of their own, they had no business to be in the senior day-room at all.

After tea he gave him six for slacking: and all delusions about Golding's bravery were immediately dispelled. "Damned little tick," said Gordon. "He made such a fuss that I let him off lightly, and then he goes down to the day-room and makes out I am a wreck. Collins, I charge thee, put away compassion! It does not pay with these degenerates."

For a moment she hesitated; there was no night-light where Pina slept, nor in the day-room beyond; the stormy night must be so dark that she would not be able to find her way to the windows. That thought decided her, and she stopped to light a small hand-lamp. Then she cautiously opened the door, shaded the flame from Pina's face with one hand, and passed quickly through the dressing-room.