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The lecture on deportment which he read that future All-England batsman in a secluded passage near the junior day-room left the latter rather limp and exceedingly meek. For the moment all the jauntiness and exuberance had been drained out of him. He was a punctured balloon.

He addressed himself to Sheen. "Look here, Sheen," he said, "we want to know what you've got to say for yourself. You go disgracing the house " The stunned senior day-room were roused to speech. "Oh, chuck it, Clayton." "Don't be a fool, Clayton." "Silly idiot!" Clayton looked round in pained surprise at this sudden withdrawal of popular support.

"You've let the house down awfully," said Clayton. "Yes?" said Sheen. Linton took the paper out of his pocket, and smoothed it out. "Seen the Sporter?" he asked casually. His neighbour grabbed at it. "I thought it hadn't come," he said. "Good account of Aldershot," said Linton. He leaned back in his chair as two or three of the senior day-room collected round the Sportsman. "Hullo!

A few minutes later Hunter dashed in. "Well done, Caruthers. Hooray!" "Well done, Caruthers!" "Good old A-K!" "I am so glad!" Everyone seemed pleased. Just before prayers, as he sat at the top of the day-room table, FitzMorris came over to him. "Jolly good, Caruthers. Well done." His cup was full. Foster did not get his cap....

I bagged the Sportsman early, and hid it. They are going to get the surprise of their lifetime. I said I'd come up and fetch you." "I shan't go," said Sheen. Linton looked alarmed. "Oh, but I say, you must. Don't spoil the thing. Can't you see what a rag it'll be?" "I'm not going to sweat downstairs for the benefit of the senior day-room." "I say," said Linton, "Stanning's there." "What!"

Brewing in the senior day-room was a mere vulgar brawl, lacking all the refining influences of the study.

The game ended with Wrykyn a goal ahead a goal and a try to a try. For the second time in one season the Ripton match had ended in a victory a thing it was very rarely in the habit of doing. The senior day-room at Seymour's rejoiced considerably that night. The air was dark with flying cushions, and darker still, occasionally, when the usual humorist turned the gas out.

Having undergone these ceremonies, I was thrust into a day-room, in which all the persons then under confinement for felony were assembled, to the number of eleven. Each of them was too much engaged in his own reflections, to take notice of me.

He knew that in the present state of feeling in the house Sheen would not be given a hearing. "No!" shouted the senior day-room. This was the last straw. The fellow seemed to go out of his way to lower the prestige of the house. "Fact," said Stanning. "I thought you knew." He continued to sit on the table, swinging his legs, while the full horror of his story sunk into the senior day-room mind.

After tea he was herded with four hundred others into a day-room quite big enough to allow them to stand without touching each other. Hot pipes ran round the sides under a little bench, and the whitewashed walls were relieved by diagrams of the component parts of a sweet pea and scenes from the life of Abraham. As usual an attempt was made at hide-and-seek under strange conditions.