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The rides were repeated, the general evidently became more and more interested about Miss Stanley; he appealed continually to her taste, and marked that he considered her as part of his family; but, as Helen told Lady Davenant, it was difficult, with a person of his high-bred manners and reserved temper, to ascertain what was to be attributed to general deference to her sex, what to particular regard for the individual, how much to hospitality to his guest, or attention to his wife's friend, and what might be considered as proof of his own desire to share that friendship, and of a real wish that she should continue to live with them.

"I think you had better not," remonstrated Helen; "if she is so very vulgar, Lady Davenant and the general will never endure her." "Oh, he will! the general will bear a great deal for mamma's sake, and more for papa's.

Somewhat to Nan's surprise and, although she would not have acknowledged it, to her annoyance Peter Mallory ensconced himself next to Penelope, and Ralph Fenton, the singer, thus driven from the haven where he would be, came to anchor beside Nan. "I've not seen you for a long time, Miss Davenant. How's the world been treating you?" "Rather better than usual," she replied gaily.

I am told that the old man and his son have taken no notice of the act, but go about their work as if they were still the owners of the land; but of course, now that you are back, there will soon be an end of this." Captain Davenant was silent. "I shall be in no hurry, mother," he said, after a pause.

As soon as they reached the drawing-room, Lady Cecilia asked her mother what was the cause of Granville's delay in town, and why he had come to-day, after he had written it was impossible? Lady Davenant answered, that he had 'trampled, as Lord Chatham did, 'on impossibilities. "It was not a physical impossibility, it seems."

But in this party at Clarendon Park there were more of the literary and celebrated than without the presence of Lady Davenant could perhaps have been assembled, or perhaps would have been desired by the general and Lady Cecilia.

Among the receipts of the office have been the jokes, good and bad, the sneers, the satire of contemporary wits, such being the paper currency in which the turbulent subjects of the laurel crown think proper to pay homage to their sovereign. From the days of Will Davenant to these of ours, the custom has been faithfully observed.

I didn't stop at half measures; I asked for a miracle right out and out and I got it. The next morning Davenant came with his offer of the money. You may make what you like out of that; but I make " "I make this, by Jove; that you and he entered into a bargain that he should supply the cash, and you should " "Wrong!"

She sank back exhausted. Mrs. Elliott was summoned, she wished them all out of the room, and said so; but Lady Davenant would have her daughter stay beside her, and with Cecilia's hand in hers, she fell into a profound slumber. On awaking in the morning, after some long-expected event has happened, we feel in doubt whether it has really occurred, or whether it is all a dream.

The great rounded elm in the foreground detached itself against the shimmering, illuminated sky like an open fan. Davenant found something ecstatic in the half-light, the peace, and the extraordinary privilege of being alone with her. It would be one more memory to treasure up. Silence, too, was a form of communion more satisfactory to him than speech.