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The consumptive powers of the Swiss-German peasant, when his meal is franked, has not unfrequently reminded me of the miraculous eating performed by a yellow domino of that nation, at the fête by which Louis XIV. celebrated the second marriage of the Dauphin.

There was nothing in the memory of the past to give him pleasure; nothing in the future to inspire him with well-grounded hope. Turning to the little prince, who had just been christened with the royal title, he inquired, "What is your name, my child?" "Louis XIV.," the dauphin promptly replied. "Not yet," said the king, sadly, shaking his head; "but pray God that it may soon be so."

My brother George goeth upon the first of next month to France to take service with the Dauphin, having under his command a company of tenscore men knights and archers; thou shalt go with him, and there stay till I send for thee to return."

His loyalty was an heritage from his father, who from his early youth was much attached to the Dauphin, whose fortunes he followed, even in the rebellions, since he was a man to put Christ on the cross again if it had been required by him to do so, which is the flower of friendship rarely to be found encompassing princes and great people.

Perhaps, if he had been of the party for another day or two, things might have gone better with the fugitives than they did. Now they had to take care of their behaviour, lest, by any forgetfulness, they should cause suspicion as to who they were. Madame de Tourzel had to act the Baroness de Korff, and call the princess and the dauphin her children.

Bertrand was known for the kinsman of De Baudricourt and all the countryside knew well the tale, how that Jeanne d'Arc had gone to him in the springtide of the year, demanding an escort to the Dauphin King of France, for whom she had a message from the King of Heaven, and whom she was to set upon his throne.

If the Dauphin were king, all France would breathe freely, all France would say, Thank God! The generous nature of the boy was well known. There would be rewards. Mademoiselle de Vesc had authorized him to promise " But La Mothe could control himself no longer.

When the outside world was accrediting to Marie Antoinette every popular misfortune, when she lost by death both the dauphin and the Princess Beatrice, when fate was against her, when the future promised nothing but evil, she found no stauncher friend, better consoler, more ardent admirer, than her old companion.

"Noble Dauphin," she exclaimed, "order your people to assault the city of Troyes, to hold no more councils; for, by my God, in three days I will introduce you into the town of Troyes, by love or by force, and false Burgundy shall be dismayed." "Jeanne," said the Chancellor, "if you could do that in six days, we might well wait."

Your majesty is deceived, replied the minister I have this hour received a dispatch from our resident, with the determination of the republic on that point also. And what name has the republick fixed upon for the Dauphin? Shadrach, Mesech, Abed-nego, replied the minister.