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This is a poor and inadequate translation of the affectionate simplicity of the original Sie alle waren Fremdlinge, Du warst Das Kind des Hauses. Indeed the whole speech is in the best style of Massinger. O si sic omnia! It appears that the account of his conversion being caused by such a fall, and other stories of his juvenile character, are not well authenticated.

I thought he would eat me, he looked so offended, and roared out, "Nein, nein, das Zimmer ist voll." Then was my moment. I pulled out the little white card and addressed him not too timidly either, for hadn't I the great American people behind me? He caught the words, "American Consul," which drew him up to salute and in the most lamb-like voice he murmured, "Ach, ja, Amerikaner," and let me pass.

I know no more striking picture of desolation than that presented by one of these quaint birds, standing upon a single leg, feeling as the story has it, "den Jammer und das Elend der Welt." On the last evening in June we all sat together on the piazza, enjoying, each in our own way, a refreshing breeze that had sprung up after a sultry day Father was quieter than usual, and seemed very languid.

Often have I shed tears of rapture whilst I beheld it, and listened to the thrush and the nightingale piping forth their melodious songs in the woods, and inhaled the breeze laden with the perfume of the thousand orange gardens of Seville: "Kennst du das land wo die citronem bluhen?"

On the other hand one gains the impression that the existence of love in childhood is in no need of demonstration. The recent book of A. Moll, Das Sexualleben des Kindes, Berlin, 1909, offers no occasion for such a modification. A book by Mrs. Dr. H.v. Cf. also The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, The Macmillan Co., New York, and Unwin, London.

The evening had been pleasant, and I had sketched out the pretty theme for Pogner's Anrede, 'Das schone Fest Johannistag, etc., when, while I was dozing off and still had this tune floating in my mind, I was suddenly awakened to full consciousness by an unrestrained outburst of a woman's laughter above my room.

In these works, which relate the conversion of Dharm Das afterwards one of Kabir's principal followers, Kabir is identified with the Creator and then made a pantheistic deity much as Kṛishṇa in the Bhagavad-gîtâ. He is also the true Guru whose help is necessary for salvation. Stress is further laid on the doctrine of Śabda, or the divine word.

The choke got the better of our sailor at this point, and he became suddenly silent. "Das so!" burst in Ebony, with extreme energy. "I's wid you dere! I tell you what it is, 'Ockins, dem brown niggers is true Kistians, an' we white folks is nuffin but hipperkrits." "I hope we're not quite so bad as that, Ebony," said Mark, with a sad smile.

Otto Rank, "Das Inzest-Motiv in Dichtung und Sage," 1912, Franz Deuticke. I discussed in a larger work, previous to Rank's book, how Heinrich von Kleist made the incest phantasies of his childhood the foundation of many poems.

At Abrantes and Santarem, the receptions accorded me took the wildest form of enthusiasm and I there heard for the first time the peculiar name given me in Portugal 'Homen das Botas', 'the man with the boots'. This name grew out of an ancient story connected with the Tagus.