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And if you haven't discovered the fact already I might as well tell you that I am eminently capable of managing my own affairs." Mr. Dart's silent whistle came very near being audible. But he answered in a voice which was meant to assure her that his sensitive nature had not been hurt and that his admiration had merely been stimulated. "That's me," he said brightly.

It's our only hope!" To Captain Sumner it looked as if the Dart would surely be crushed. "Be prepared to jump!" he sang out again. But even as he spoke a strong gust filled the yacht's topsails. She plunged forward. The starboard berg was left behind, and the sea on that bow was open. Bok instantly shifted the helm. The Dart's head fell away from the danger on the port bow. A few minutes passed.

On October Eighteenth, Franklin announced Dart's death, and explained that it occurred promptly on time, all as prophesied. Yet Dart lived to publish many almanacs; but Poor Richard got his advertisement, and many staid, broad-brimmed Philadelphians smiled who had never smiled before not only smiled but subscribed.

And, swinging about, she took the side of the knoll in a long sweep, shot down into a hollow, rose upon the far side, crossed the trail that the four men had made, seemed to Mr. Dart's staring eyes to be balancing a moment upon a line where snow and sky met and then was gone from him, dropping out of sight into the wilderness of snow.

Nor were the Frys at first the only gainers, for, Tommy being of a generous nature, there was an uncommon demand for Sally Dart's toffee, until Mrs. Fry, perceiving how quickly his money disappeared, thought it prudent to take care of it for him. Then suddenly one day there came an event which revived all the hopes of Colonel George and Lady Eleanor.

Big Bill had mounted and was riding away, his eyes on the ground, refusing to follow the figure of a man he had come to hate most thoroughly. MacKelvey had gone to his horse and was jerking loose its tie rope. Dart was now close to MacKelvey's side. Venable and Denbigh, conversing swiftly in undertones, looked blankly at each other, then at Dart's noncommittal back.

There had been only two lights burning in the house; one in Martin's private room from which came the voices of Garth Conway and Leland himself; one in Wanda's bedroom. But at Dart's knock both Wanda and her mother hastened to receive them, replenished the fireplace until it roared lustily in its deep throat, found warm, dry clothing and hot drinks, and made them comfortable for the night.

MacKelvey cursed, wheeled his horse and without heeding Dart shouted again to Shandon. Venable and Denbigh, forewarned by Dart's quick whispered words, had their eyes upon Shandon. They ran to the line that marked the start and stood, one at each end of it, their eyes bright, their hands pointing so that Shandon's start should be fair.

"I'm with you," he said crisply. "I'll see Ruf Ettinger myself to-morrow." Her eyes which had been frowning during Dart's latest attempt to be entertaining, grew suddenly brilliant, her cheeks flushed happily.

She looked up at him bravely enough, but he knew how this thing hurt her, and how it was going to hurt her when he told everything. Hastily, to have it over with, he repeated Dart's story and told of the quarrel with Garth. "I believe," he said slowly, "that Dart told me the truth throughout. I don't know how he found it out, but in part I know he was right.