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He rode down the street and back again, and then the Major told him he had better put the black boy on the mare, to ride her home ahead of him, and Chad reluctantly got off and saw the little darky on his new saddle and his new horse. "Take good keer o' that hoss, boy," he said, with a warning shake of his head, and again the Major roared.

By this trick he had broken the trail and sent the pack off on a wrong scent. So far so good. He figured the outlook after this fashion: Set upon earning the double fee promised him the deluded darky, as he could tell, was still going at top speed, unconscious of any pursuit.

'Dunno, sar; jess as you say. 'I think you'd better, returned the Colonel. With a 'Yas, massa, the darky left the apartment. The Colonel shortly rose, and bade me 'good night. I continued reading till the clock struck eleven, when I laid the book aside and went to my room.

Jarvis, but he lingered on, loth to leave, if the truth be told afraid to leave; drawing strength from his host's calm, wondering as to the source of it, as to the life which was its expression; longing, yet not presuming, to question. The twilight deepened, and the old darky lit a lamp and led the way back to the library. "Sam," said Mr. Bentley, "draw up the armchair for Mr.

He was a sentimental sort of a darky, and read the "Three Spaniards," and "Charlotte Temple," and carried a lock of frizzled hair in his vest pocket, which he frequently volunteered to show to people, with his handkerchief to his eyes.

The two went out in the rain together, taking care to keep out of sight of the sitting-room windows, and the faithful old darky astonished the white boy by describing, almost word for word, as we have told it, what had been said and done in Mrs. Brown's cabin that morning while Tom Allison and Mark Goodwin were there.

Sally looked up with an assumed surprise worthy of her race and tradition. "If it ain't Miss Lowe!" she exclaimed, coming forward cordially. "It sho' am, Miss Lowe! Come in, ma'am and rest yourself." Sally's idioms savoured of darky dialect and her mountain quaintness: "I'll brew a dish o' tea, ma'am." Marcia Lowe refused this attention and stayed Sally by her first words.

"And I will not have a woman smoking in my house! "And oh, Carrie, if you knew how I suffered with that dirty darky girl!" "But but, Aunt Jule, why didn't you " "You see, Carrie and Lizzie, it was this way," said Mr. Bean soothingly. "Your aunt and I got talking old times, and we found that we both felt about the same.

Next we ran through a turpentine plantation, and as the darky was pointing out where the still, the master's place, the "quarters," etc., were, Andrews managed to fish out of that bag and pass to me three roasted chickens. Then a great swamp called for description, and before we were through with it, I had about a peck of boiled sweet potatos.

This old darky had lived in Richmond in her younger days. She spoke of grown men and women there as 'chillun what I raised. 'Lord! boss does you know Miss Sadie? Well, I nussed her and I nussed all uv their chillun; that I did, sah. You chillun does look hawngry, that you does. Well, you's welcome to these vittles, and I'm pow'ful glad to git dis spoon.