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Nebba mind, gal! you get husban' yet. Mass' Stebbins he find you husban' he got one for you a'ready waitin' dar in de Mormon city; you soon see! Husban' got fifty odder wife! Yah, yah, yah!" Words appeared upon the lips of Lilian low murmured and but half uttered. I could not make out what they were; but they appeared not to be a reply to the speeches that had been addressed to her.

In the most unenviable of moods, 'Lina left at a comparatively early hour. She bade Cæsar drive carefully, as it was very dark, and the rain was almost blinding, so rapidly it fell. "Ye-es, mis-s, Cæs he done been to party fore now. Git 'long dar, Sorrel," hiccoughed the negro, who, in Colonel Tiffton's kitchen had indulged rather too freely to insure the safety of his mistress.

"Front ob de house our ossifers an' sogers made a big stan', fer de missus an' de young ladies stood right dar on de verandy, wabin' dere hankerchiefs an' cryin' to dem to dribe de Yankee back.

Well did they know that presently there would come to the ground a furry mass with sharp claws and teeth, on which they were expected to leap and finish with a few bites directed either at the throat or the backbone. "Watch out dar!" came in a thrilling tone from above. Klem was now close upon the coon, which had retreated further out on the limb.

One Saturday night we started to go and see some ob our people dat was bout ten miles from whar we was; but we neber stopped. We tuck to de woods, and we killed a deer wheneber we was hungry. De Injuns, you know, can always do dat. We was a mity long time comin; but at last we got here, and den it was moss a year arter dat before ole massa come. Den dar was more trouble.

When he reached the cabin, he raised to his feet, boldly ascended the steps, and knocked at the door, intending, if his demand for food was not instantly complied with, to take it by force. "Who dar?" inquired a voice from the inside. Frank made no reply, but was about to repeat the summons, when the door was thrown open, and an old, gray-headed negro woman appeared before him.

"Ole massa was made de Governor, by somebody, and dare was another man made a Governor, too, and he git a company one night and comed down here; but somebody had tole old massa, and dat day he tell me, and we went down to de riber under de cliff war was some cane and he tole me he was gwine to stay dar, and I muss bring him sometin to eat ebery day, but I musn't tell whar he was, not eben to ole missus, for dey would scare her and make her tell on him.

I done told Massa Dent dat I not feared. But dat was a story, kase me was some skea'd. I gits on de hoss and corned right on jes' like I wa'n't skea'd at all. I rides slow doe, kase as how I wa'n't sho' 'bout dem mans. So I gits 'bout half way down the road home, and dem mans dar war free of dem; dar war free, sho', dey jes' steps right in de road afore me and de hoss.

He threw the skull into the pasture, and followed Big Abel, who was hurrying along the road. "We're moughty near dar," cried the negro, breaking into a run. "Des wait twel we pass de aspens, Marse Dan, des wait twel we pass de aspens, den we'll be right dar, suh." Then, as Dan reached him, the aspens were passed, and where Chericoke had stood they found a heap of ashes.

The girl returned and delivered her message. "What!" exclaimed the sick woman, in amazement. "He must have turned Radical sure enough, to send me such an answer as that! Maggie," she continued, with severe dignity, "you must be mistaken. Return and tell my son that I am sure you are mistaken." "Oh, dar ain't no mistake 'bout it, mistis. Dem's de berry words Marse Hesden said, shore."