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She could turn herself into anybody she'd a mind to. Len wrote a notice of it for the 'Star. That's the only time we've had oysters over our way." "I'd let it be the last," piped up a thin old lady, with a long figured veil over her face. "It's my opinion oysters lead to dancin'." "Well, let 'em lead," said optimistic Mrs. "I guess we needn't foller."

But Sister Minkley; sister in the church and sister-in-law by reason of Wbitefield, sez to me, that she should think I would think twice before I danced and waltzed round waltzes. And I sez, "I haint thought of doin' it, I haint thought of dancin' round or square or any other shape." Sez she, "You have got to, if you go to Saratoga." Sez I, "Not while life remains in this frame."

The dress of the boatmen in those days, i.e. their 'longshore toggery' and there are still among the older men a few, a very few survivals was finished off by tall hats and pumps; and in answer to my query 'why they formerly always wore those pumps? I was told, ''Cos they was always a dancin' in them days' doubtless with Jane and Bess and black-eyed Susan.

Jerome, with the prospect of two shillings per week, and that great, kindly strength of the Squire's underlying his weakness, went home as if he had wings on his feet. "See that boy of poor Abel Edwards's dancin' along, when his father ain't been dead a week!" one woman at her window said to another.

Morris was in the lead, and apparently did not see the "dancin' dirt," for he approached the jail at a run. "It's no use, Doty," the sheriff said; "all we can do is to wait till they get in, for I'm not going to shoot anybody. It may be wrong to lynch, but in a case like this it's the rightest wrong that ever was." So the sheriff sat there thinking, while Doty watched the attack from the window.

Then Clay flung him down like, and the bull got up and run about 40 rods down to a walnut tree and stood there and just bellered as if the moon was shinin'. Now, Vangy, 'Chaw Roast Beef." So John played that and Mitch was rollin' from side to side in his chair and laughin' fit to kill. Then John said, "I s'pose you boys never seed no platform dancin'." We never had and wanted to know what it was.

This manager was a white man named Gallager, an' his life was made a burden, for he had t' train Sam for them there stunts, an' Sam didn't cotton to trainin' nonesoever. When he oughta be doin' it, he'd be off dancin', or drinkin', or pokerin', or somethin'. An' Gallager got sicker an' sicker of such doin's. "Well, bein' a Injun, Sam had a med'cine. It was a twig.

We go up hill trough de hood. We see ten, twelve, Injin almos' naked, eatin', drinkin', dancin', an' yell like debbil. Capten say, "Stay here, Krasippe; I get hind bush." Capten creep trough bush, light cannle, an' bust out trough circle to middle of fire. I see fifty Injin fright dat way. Dose Injin not frighten much. I see one man jump on capten, trow him down, raise hatchet to kill him.

Why, bekaise the masther's stepson and the misthress's own pet has come home to us to set the counthry into a state o' conflagration wid his beauty. There won't be a whole cap in the barony before this day week. They're to have fiddlers, and pipers, and dancin', and drinkin' to no end; and the glory of it is that the masther, God bless him, is to pay for all. Now!"

How'd they come to let that dancin' thing in there? Couldn't they see her before she got in? Couldn't they stop her? Why " Serena interrupted. "Stop her!" she repeated. "How could they stop her? She was an invited guest." "Who invited her? That's what I want to know. Who invited her?" "Miss Canby, I suppose. She is a friend of hers." "A friend! "Yes. Now, Daniel, don't be silly.