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'I think, said Miss Abingdon, 'that such discussions are best left for Sundays. 'We will go on with our dance-list, said Jane; 'Mrs. Wrottesley can let us have several rooms at the vicarage, or, if the worst comes to the worst, we might have tents in the garden.

But it will be taken from the table on a due and proper date and assigned at the head of the calendar. I think that's the way the Senator would state it. It ought to be good procedure." He released her hands. "And speaking of the calendar, Lana, may I have a peep at your dance-list?" She gave him the engraved card. "All the waltzes for me, eh?" he queried, wistfully. "I note that you're free."

The most aggressive of these youths the most forceful recognized in this maiden a fillip to life, a sting to existence. She was as a honey-jar surrounded by too hungry flies. But it occurred to her, as her dance-list was filling up, that there was not much left for Mr. Cowperwood, if he should care to dance with her.

Lily had better go, by all means, and I shall depend upon her coming home with very full notes upon her dance-list." They laughed at the professor's sarcasm, and Hoskins, having undertaken to see that the last claims of etiquette were satisfied by getting an invitation sent to Miss Mayhew through the Spanish consul, went off, and left the ladies to the discussion of ways and means. Mrs.

Seneca Davis smiling at him, and Aileen. By George, how wonderful! What a girl! "I suppose your dance-list is full to overflowing. Let me see." He was standing before her and she was holding out the little blue-bordered, gold-monogrammed booklet. An orchestra was playing in the music room. The dance would begin shortly.