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The night was passed in a ruined shed at the south-east of the lake Malaksan; and on the following morning we climbed the south side of the mountain ridge and, skirting the solfatara of the Danan, arrived in an hour and a half at lake Jaruanan.

The earthquakes which occurred at the beginning of May, and later on, on the 27th of that month, may indicate movements of the crust by which water gained access. It appears that in May the only crater in a state of activity was that of Perboewatan; in June another crater came into action, connected with Danan in the centre of the island, and in August a third burst forth.

About noon we entered Wady Danan, or "The Sour," a deep chasm in the rocks; the centre is a winding sandy watercourse, here and there grassy with tall rushes, and affording at every half mile a plentiful supply of sweet water. The walls of the ravine are steep and rugged, and the thorny jungle clustering at the sides gives a wild appearance to the scene.

The continuous line shows the former; the dotted line and shading, the latter; from which it will be observed that the original island has to a large extent disappeared. Adjoining this cone, and rising from the centre of the island, came the group of Danan, composed of many summits, probably forming part of the enceinte annulaire of a crater.

Mds. que eran cosas llanas; pero si por caso hubiese otra cosa, digo que no me dañan porque no se me ha dado en ello el lugar de defensa que de derecho se me debe: lo uno porque no me han querido Vs. Mds. dar audiencia para informar enteramente al dicho maestro mi patron; lo otro porque si ha dado parecer sin haberse comunicado conmigo no he tenido patron;...

There were three prominent peaks on it, he said, named respectively, Perboewatan, about 400 feet high, at the northern end of the island; Danan, near the centre, 1500 feet; and Rakata, at the southern end, over 2600 feet. It was high up on the sides of the last cone that the residence of the hermit was situated. "And you won't tell me your master's name?" said Nigel. Moses shook his woolly head.

Truly the might and power of the Long-Handed and Far-Shooting one was upon him that night. He came to Emain Macha. The doors of Macha's stable flew open before him. He rode the horses into the stable. Macha's war-car brayed forth a brazen roar of welcome, the Tuatha De Danan shouted, and the car itself glowed and sparkled.

The second arm was originated only the preceding year, during a flood. The customs of the country require this when the accommodation does not suffice for both parties; and payment for the same is neither demanded nor, except very rarely, tendered. From the ridge we caught sight, towards the south, of the great white heaps of débris of the mountain Danan glimmering through the trees.

The roof of the cavern is hung with stalactites, which either are covered with solid sulphur, or consist entirely of that substance. In some crevices, which are protected against the cooling effects of the atmospheric air, it melts together in thick, brown crusts. The solfatara of Danan is situated exactly south of that below, at the end of the ravine of the Kasiboi.

For I take the Clan Usna under my protection from this day forth, and well I know that there is not in Erin or in Alba a man born of a woman, no nor the Tuatha De Danan themselves, who will break through that protection!" "I will break through it," said the King. After that Fergus departed from Emain Macha and went away with his people into the east to his own country.