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I had been expecting a call from Christina. "Hi, Agni," said a woman's voice. It was Dana. "I should have changed my number," I thought. "There's going to be a meeting at Rama's for the Stony Brook group," she said. "Can you make it?" "I'm doing okay on my own," I reminded myself. "I don't need to see Rama." "Rama said it's going to be our last meeting together," she added. I nearly laughed.

His popular lectures began in 1808 and soon attracted to New Haven the brightest young men in the country. Among them was James Dwight Dana, who was to carry on most worthily the work which Prof. Silliman had begun. James Dwight Dana was attracted to Yale by Prof. Silliman's great reputation and received there the inspiration which started him upon a scientific career.

Among these were George and Burrill Curtis, and Larned, with Charles Dana all presentable and agreeable, but the first three peculiarly costumed.

With Nancy's final sigh, another swept through the hall, like breath among the trees, and, drawn by what thread I know not, I looked about me, and all unwittingly was present at another great last act. Dana Marden and his wife were in front of me, not three seats away.

She hadn't known he'd earned that been acclaimed by his peers as having honor so uncompromising it couldn't be questioned. So much for the lady Arden's and her own hope of some clemency, Dana thought. Yet Arden must have known the Alanna was entitled to honor-black . . . Urged forward by one of her guards, Dana approached the Bench and, before she could be prompted, knelt.

Passing the Cathedral we descend into the delightful, spacious Tuolumne Valley, from which excursions may be made to Mounts Dana, Lyell, Ritter, Conness, and Mono Lake, and to the many curious peaks that rise above the meadows on the south, and to the Big Tuolumne Canyon, with its glorious abundance of rock and falling, gliding, tossing water.

L. Karl Moser, of Trieste, examined them and found crystals of turquoise, or rather "johnite," as Dana has it, embedded in or spread upon the quartz. One specimen, moreover, contained silver. So much for the Ziba or southern turquoise-diggings. Our journey ended on March 8th with a dull ride along the Hajj-road northwards.

C. A. Dana, then in Chattanooga, informing him that unless prevented Rosecrans would retreat, and advising peremptory orders against his doing so. As stated before, after the fall of Vicksburg I urged strongly upon the government the propriety of a movement against Mobile.

Henry M. Whitney; corresponding secretary, Miss L. C. Post; recording secretary. Miss Elizabeth Johnson; treasurer, Mrs. James M. Codman; executive committee, the officers and Miss Sarah H. Crocker, Mrs. Gorham Dana, Mrs. Charles Eliot Guild, Miss Katherine E. Guild, Miss Elizabeth H. Houghton, Miss Sarah E. Hunt, Mrs. Francis C. Lowell, Mrs. J. H. Millet, Mrs. B. L. Robinson, Mrs.

Try to imagine "All larboard bowlines on deck!" being shouted down into the forecastle of a present day ship. Yet that was the call used on the Pilgrim to fetch Dana and the rest of his watch on deck. The chronometer, which is merely the least imperfect time-piece man has devised, makes possible the surest and easiest method by far of ascertaining longitude.