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"I told Dalzell, last night, that I had met with a stranger who was " "That will do!" snapped Cantor. "Very good, sir." "Have you told Dalzell about me since coming aboard?" "I have not." "And you won't?" pressed Cantor. "On that point, sir, I decline to pledge myself," Darrin responded, with unusual stiffness. "Darrin, do you want to make an enemy?" "Mr.

A soft splashing of paddles showed where the visitors were coming in to shore. Dan Dalzell taking the camp lantern, ran to meet them. A moment later six Preston lads were stepping ashore, one after the other. Dick, having excused himself at table, came forward also to greet them. Two of the Preston High School boys were already acquainted with Laura Bentley and some of her friends.

In the course of the afternoon the man-servant, James, announced that Mr. Dalzell was below, and that he sent his compliments and wished to know how the young ladies were. It was not the first visit since Mr. Hogarth's death. He had paid a visit of condolence on the following day, and had never been so affectionate or impressive in his manner to Jane as on that occasion. "Show Mr.

The fates be thanked that we're allowed until the semi-ans to pick up. But the question is, are we ever going to pick up? As I look through my books it seems to me that every succeeding lesson is twice as hard as the one before it." "Other men have gone through, every year." "And still other men have been dropped every year," Dalzell dolefully reminded him.

"Engine tender reports, sir, that he slowed down the speed in obedience to the indicator." "But I " Farley began. Then he checked himself abruptly, noting out of the corner of his eye that Dan Dalzell had wandered over to the rail and stood looking off to seaward.

As soon as the upper classmen had departed, the commandant took Flint and Austin in hand, questioning them keenly and making notes of the more important answers. Back in their own rooms, Midshipman Dan Dalzell was at first overwhelmed with horror. "We're dished, Davy! We walk the plank! The super won't forgive a single man who is caught at the royal pastime of hazing!

"Dalzell," retorted Hepson impatiently, "you're a second classman, and you've been here long enough to know that no considerations of discipline will be made to stand aside in order that the Navy may have a better athletic team of any kind. Nothing here is sacrificed to athletics, and you surely must know it." "Then I guess we're dished," confessed Dalzell mournfully.

"All we have to do is to equip our funnels with heavy iron caps that will not interfere with the draft of the furnaces, but will keep any oranges -bombs, I mean -from dropping down the funnels." "All right then," added Lieutenant Trent. "We will consider Dalzell has solved the problem of keeping bombs out of our funnels.

"The rest of it, if there is going to be any 'rest, will belong to the Army." "We had an interesting time while it lasted," declared Dalzell, with a broad grin. "There is a world full of interesting times ahead of us. We'll find time in every quarter of the globe.

There were a few other fellows who wanted to captain the team. Why didn't some of their friends put them in nomination? Dick & Co. formed a substantial element in the team. They were for "Hen" Wadleigh, and now Tom Reade spoke: "I move that Wadleigh be considered our choice for captain." "Second the motion," uttered Dan Dalzell, hastily. Coach Morton put the proposition, which was carried.