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The farcical proceedings in the coroner's court had tied their hands." "An open verdict was returned?" "Yes, at our suggestion. But Professors Dale and Boyd failed to find any traces of poison or of foul play." "And yet there was foul play that is absolutely certain!" declared the novelist. "Unfortunately, yes.

"Which I neglected to add," said Jimmie Dale, "was to be made in private." Carling, as though to put as much distance between them as possible, continued to edge back across the room but his small black eyes, black now to the pupils themselves, never left Jimmie Dale's face. "In private, eh?" he seemed to be sparring for time, as he smiled. "In private!

Mary Thorne, Lily Dale, Lucy Roberts I would almost add, Martha Dunstable may not be heroines of romance, and are certainly not great creations. But they are pure, right-minded, delicate, brave women; and it does one good to be admitted to the sacred confessional of their hearts.

I looked at him wonderingly, and felt a strange shrinking; but I fancied that I could detect a faint smile at the corner of his lip, and this touched me home, and made me speak at once. "Very well," I said. "I'll go with you, sir." "That's right, my lad," he said, laying his hand on my shoulder. "Why, Dale, you will be chief mate of some ship, young as you are, almost before I get to be captain.

Dr. Dale expressed his satisfaction with the tenor of this document, and begged to be furnished with a copy of it, but his was peremptorily refused. There was then a long conversation ending, as usual, in nothing on the two other points, the place for the conferences, namely, and the cessation of arms.

She slipped her slight hand from the parson's arm, and darted away through the evergreens. Half concealed amidst the laurels, she turned back, and Mr. Dale caught her eye, half arch, half melancholy; its light came soft through a tear. "I don't half like this," muttered the parson; "I shall give Dr. Riccabocca a caution."

It will be more merciful to him. A man can bear a sudden blow better than lingering pain. If it can't be managed, well, Dale will know nothing at all about it, and both he and I will be saved a mortal deal of worry and unhappiness." "Suppose" said I, "it can't be managed?

And therefore when both Mrs Dale and Grace stoutly maintained their purpose of going up to the squire, Lily neither attempted to persuade John to accompany them, nor said that she would do so herself. "I will convoy you home myself," she said, "and Grace, when she has done with the beetle, shall come and meet me. Won't you, Grace?" "Certainly."

Squire Eben hesitated a second. "You know, I own that strip of land on the Dale road, on the other side of the brook," he said. The doctor nodded, still with his eyes keenly intent. "There are three good house-lots; that house of the Edwardses is old and out of repair. You'll have to spend considerable on it to rent it. My three lots are equal to that one house, and suppose we exchange.

We'll start from the top of the house and work down. Allow no one to pass you." "Yes, sir! Very good, Mr. Kline," was the response. Kline! the sharpest man in the United States secret service, she had said. Jimmie Dale's lips set. "I'm glad I had no shave this morning," said Jimmie Dale grimly to himself.