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She sits close by her baby's bedside that she may listen to his gentle breathing as he sleeps, and she smiles softly to herself while she sews. It is a sweet face which bends over the work, and it is framed in the daintiest of white caps edged with a wide ruffle which is turned back over the hair above the forehead, that it may not shade her eyes.

He spent all his spare time talking to her and comforting her, and fed her on all the daintiest dishes. They confided their histories to each other, and Jem learnt that the goose was the daughter of the wizard Weatherbold, who lived on the island of Gothland.

'Out with you, he will say, 'you have no father here, and the child will go crying back to his widowed mother he, Astyanax, who erewhile would sit upon his father's knees, and have none but the daintiest and choicest morsels set before him.

But the youth before me waved his rolled tobacco at it, and drawled in his daintiest tone and manner, "The sky is having a smoke, I see, and dropping sparks, and grumbling. I should have thought these Exmoor hills too small to gather thunder." "I cannot go, I will not go with you, Lord Alan Brandir," I answered, being vexed a little by those words of his.

The funeral supper was set out in the large dungeon; the daintiest meats, the choicest wines, the rarest flowers, and numerous flambeaux decked the oaken table prodigality of dying men who have no need to save aught for the following day. The repast was prolonged until dawn.

Budlong came into the reputation of her money Myra Eppley had the effrontery to call up on the telephone and say: "Would you mind telling me, my dear, the shade of wall paper you're going to have in your New York parlor, because I'm making you the daintiest little well, no matter, but will you tell me?" Poor Mrs. Budlong almost swooned from the telephone.

A loving fate sent fresh showers on their behoof during the nights, which laid the dust and dressed field and forest in their daintiest array. The child, who had been pining somewhat, affected by the anxiety in the Kirtland home, became lusty and merry.

The canoe glided closely along, where they could look down into the clear depths of the water, and discover the pebbles glistening upon the bottom. Under a point of land, where the stream made an eddy, they halted, and with their fishing-lines, soon secured a breakfast which the daintiest gourmand might have envied. They were upon the point of landing so as to kindle a fire, when Mr.

Harvey was there as often as his hospital practice would admit of, and he was the first to kiss Aunt Susan under the mistletoe; and Aunt Susan, if you please, now appeared in the daintiest of gowns up-to-date and rather youthful. Ethel and Grandmother laughed over it. "Why, Grandmother, how old is Aunt Susan?" "She's about sixty-one," said her sister "why?"

The baby has a pretty wrinkle between wrist and arm, a pretty wrinkle about his neck, and all over him, from head to foot, the daintiest dimples laugh in his rosy flesh. The mamma shows him to me with pride. "Monsieur," she says, "don't you think he is very pretty my little boy?"