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God bless my soul, man! but you are the daftest donnet I ever saw on two legs!" cried Keziah, snatching up the coarse gray knitting which was the sole unanchored circumstance in the room and casting off her heel viciously. "What call had you to adopt a daughter you with never a wife to mother her nor a house of your own to take her to?

Then the Paymaster swore a fiery oath most mildly, and clutched the boy by the jacket sleeve and led him homeward. "Come along," said he, "come along. You're the daftest creature ever came out of the glen, and what's the wonder of it, born and bred among stirks and sheep on a lee-lone country-side with only the birds to speak to?"

"Weel, I think thae daft carles the magistrates send naebody to Bedlam but me thae maun hae an unco respect for me, for whenever I am brought to them, thae aye hae me back to Bedlam. I often tell him he's the daftest in a' the house. But what are they making sic a skirling for?

"Weel, I think thae daft carles the magistrates send naebody to Bedlam but me thae maun hae an unco respect for me, for whenever I am brought to them, thae aye hae me back to Bedlam. I often tell him he's the daftest in a' the house. But what are they making sic a skirling for?