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A hurried visit to Fandor's lodgings disclosed the fact that the journalist, after a brief absence, had returned home for an hour and had then disappeared again. "Upon my word," he thought, "he might at least have sent me some word. He must know how anxious I would be about him." From Fandor's house Juve had gone direct to Susy d'Orsel's apartment.

Marie Pascal hesitated; she seemed worried over something; at length she spoke up: "I do know more." "What?" Juve, to cover the young girl's confusion, had turned his head away while putting the last question. "Why," he remarked, "you can see Mlle. d'Orsel's apartment from your windows!" "Yes, Monsieur, and that ..." "Were you in bed when the suicide took place?"

"Mlle. Susy d'Orsel's apartment is reached by two staircases. Do you know if the door to the one used by the servants was locked?" "That I can't tell you, Monsieur, all I know is that Justine generally locked it when she went out." "And while you were away hunting the doctor and the police, did you leave the door of the house open?" "Ah, no, Monsieur, to begin with, I didn't go out.

Juve hurried through the courtyard, passing the office of Mme. Ceiron, who was out at that moment. As he had already obtained the key of Susy d'Orsel's apartment, her absence did not trouble him. "I'll be willing to bet," he thought, "that I shall find nothing interesting in her rooms.

You are very kind to have come, and there is something that you can do for me. I want to know if you will come upstairs to Susy d'Orsel's room with me." "What on earth for?" "Well, I'll tell you. It's this way: I am scared to go up there all alone." Marie Pascal smiled. "Of course it is rather appalling, but why do you go there, Madame Ceiron?"

He recalled his arrival at Susy d'Orsel's apartment in company with the young companion he had picked up at Raxim's and the subsequent supper, and then he broke into a cold sweat as his mind flashed to the picture of Fandor's return with the inanimate body of his mistress in his arms dead. Yes, she was undoubtedly dead! And afterwards, what had happened?