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Cuthbert, only a month from home, saw Madame Ducret just as she was a Parisienne, elegant, smart, soigné. He knew that on any night at Madrid or d'Armenonville he might look upon twenty women of the same charming type. They might lack that something this girl from Maxim's possessed the spirit that had caused her to follow her husband into the depths of darkness.

"And the Father Tiber " added Jimmie, waxing enthusiastic. "Yes, and one dinner at the Pavilion d'Armenonville to hear the Tziganes " said Bee. "And one afternoon on the Seine to go to St. Cloud to see the brides dance at the Pavilion Bleu, and a supper afterward in the open to have a poulet and a pêche flambée." Jimmie by this time was wriggling in ecstasy.

Men at sixty-five become podagrical and sour, perhaps, but they are not as much worried by thoughts of the poorhouse as they are by visions of the play-house. Corky was to be seen everywhere with the Grand Duchess. He was the life of her big and little feasts at Pre Catalin and D'Armenonville.

At Bert's direction they spun along the Bois de Boulogne until they reached the Pavilion d'Armenonville, one of those fairyland out-of-door restaurants which abound in and near Paris. As it was rather chilly to sit outside, they occupied a table in a glass-protected court, and Bert proved himself a most satisfactory host.

Around the white, bare throat was a string of pearls. They had cost the lives of many elephants. Cuthbert, only a month from home, saw Madame Ducret just as she was a Parisienne, elegant, smart, soigne. He knew that on any night at Madrid or d'Armenonville he might look upon twenty women of the same charming type.