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Here, at the moist edge of the road, the ditch stone-crop is opening its yellow-green flowers, each one a study in perfect symmetry. With the showy, straw-colored cyperus it flourishes under the friendly shade of the overhanging cord-grasses whose flowering stalks already have shot up beyond the reach of a man.

The virtues of this root are very doubtful: it is generally supposed to be narcotic, and by some to be virulently so: others declare that it has no virtue of this kind, and look upon it as a mere glutinous astringent. CYPERUS longus. LONG CYPERUS. The Root.

After this it is necessary to rinse the mouth by using by preference a vinous decoction of sage, or one of cinnamon, mastich, gallia, moschata, cubeb, juniper seeds, root of cyperus, and rosemary leaves. The teeth must be rubbed with suitable dentrifices before going to bed, or else in the morning before breakfast.

So damp was the ground, that there were large beds of a coarse cyperus, in which great numbers of a very small water-rail lived and bred. One day we accompanied a party of the Spaniards in their whale-boat to a salina, or lake from which salt is procured.

Of flowering plants, three showed in an eminent degree a constitution capable of resisting the heat, if not a predilection for it; these were all Cyperaceae, a Cyperus and an Eleocharis, having their roots in water of 100 degrees, and where they are probably exposed to greater heat, and a Fimbristylis at 98 degrees; all were very luxuriant.

This is long, slender, crooked, and full of knots: outwardly of a dark-brown or blackish colour, inwardly whitish; of an aromatic smell, and an agreeable warm taste: both the taste and smell are improved by moderate exsiccation. Cyperus is accounted a good stomachic and carminative, but is at present very little regarded. DICTAMNUS albus. WHITE or BASTARD DITTANY. The Root.

The surface was a stubble strewn with the usual trees; the portly bombax; the calabash, now naked and of wintry aspect; and the dark evergreen palmyra, in dots and streaks upon the red-yellow field, fronted by an edging of grass, whose king, cyperus papyrus, is crowned with tall heads waving like little palms.

So damp was the ground, that there were large beds of a coarse cyperus, in which great numbers of a very small water-rail lived and bred. One day we accompanied a party of the Spaniards in their whale-boat to a salina, or lake from which salt is procured.

* I think Carex will be found ultimately better than Cyperus for the generic name, being the Vergilian word, and representing a larger sub-species. For consider a little what each of those five tribes* has been to the spirit of man.

Ginseng, Atractylodes Lancea; Yunnan root; Prepared Ti root; Aralia edulis; Peony roots; Levisticum from Sze Ch'uan; Sophora tormentosa; Cyperus rotundus, prepared with rice; Gentian, soaked in vinegar; Huai Shan Yao root; Real "O" glue; Carydalis Ambigua; and Dried liquorice. "What exalted intelligence!" Chia Jung, after perusing it, exclaimed.