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Cercopithecus, young, seized by an eagle and rescued by the troop; definition of species of. Cercopithecus cephus, sexual difference of colour in. Cercopithecus cynosurus and griseo-viridis, colour of the scrotum in. Cercopithecus Diana, sexual differences of colour in. Cercopithecus griseo-viridis. Cercopithecus petaurista, whiskers, etc., of. Ceres, of birds, bright colours of.

The kinds of selected grass-seeds that are at this time to be purchased are few, and consist of Lolium perenne, Festuca pratensis, Alopecurus pratensis; Dactylis glomeratus, Cynosurus cristatus; with the various kinds of Clovers: and it is not easy to lay down any rule as to the mixture or proportion of each different kind that would best suit particular lands.

The dry and stimulating food, which generally falls to his share, produces an irritation of his stomach, from which lie is glad to free himself; and for this purpose he has recourse to the sharp leaves of the cynosurus. They irritate the lining membrane of the stomach and intestines, and cause a portion of the food to be occasionally evacuated; acting either as an emetic or a purgative, or both.

In the Cercopithecus cynosurus and griseo-viridis one part of the body, which is confined to the male sex, is of the most brilliant blue or green, and contrasts strikingly with the naked skin on the hinder part of the body, which is vivid red.

There is a singular aptitude in the stomach of the dog to eject a portion of its contents; but, almost immediately afterwards, the food, or a portion if not the whole of it, is swallowed again. This is a matter of daily occurrence. There is a coarse rough grass, the 'cynosurus cristatus', or crested dog's-tail. It is inferior for the purposes of hay, but is admirably suited for permanent pastures.

CYNOSURUS cristatus. CRESTED DOG'S-TAIL-GRASS. A very fine herbage, and much relished by sheep, &c.; it grows best in fine upland loam, where it is found to be a most excellent plant both for grazing and hay. The seeds are to be purchased sometimes at the seedshops. CYNOSURUS coeruleus. BLUE DOG'S-TAIL-GRASS. Dr.