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The ape-man threw all the resources of his great strength into the last few strokes, extended his hands before him as a cutwater, submerged to the water's level and shot forward toward the hole. Frothing with rage was the baffled Lu-don as he realized how neatly the stranger she had turned his own tables upon him.

I were in Flint's ship when he buried the treasure; he and six along six strong seamen. They was ashore nigh on a week, and us standing off and on in the old Walrus. One fine day up went the signal, and here come Flint by himself in a little boat, and his head done up in a blue scarf. The sun was getting up, and mortal white he looked about the cutwater.

"The Monongahela, Commander Strong, was the first vessel that struck her, and in doing so carried away her own iron prow, together with the cutwater, without apparently doing her adversary much injury.

Instead, however, of returning with his sword, he thought it as well to imitate the course pursued by so many of our valiant politicians, and quietly took a seat upon one of the lockers, where he waited with breathless suspense, as if expecting every minute to see the stranger's cutwater pierce the quarter of the "Two Marys."

The next moment the on-coming vessel struck them, fortunately not end-on or amidships, but in a slanting fashion, her cutwater sliding by the gunwale of the cutter, from bow to stern, with a harsh, grating sound and a rasping movement that shook their very vitals the little yacht heeling over the while until she was almost on her beam-ends.

He also looked down over the bows, and admired the graceful form and beautiful smoothness of the ripple, or rather wave, which was formed by the cutwater of the boat as it urged its way rapidly through the water.

Of course, I supposed that such vessels came in unexpectedly, after indefinite years of absence, suddenly as falling stones; and that the great guns roared in their astonishment and delight at the sight of the old war-ship splitting the bay with her cutwater.

We struck the water together, and his grip loosened, for he was now up against something too strong for him the sound and sight and feeling of cold water. When we came up, the cutwater was between us, and I didn't see him again, though I heard his convulsive gurgling and screaming from the other side of the ship.

The oars are dipped farther back, and as the blade feels the water holding it in the hollow, the lissom wood bends to its work. Before the cutwater a wave rises, and, repulsed, rushes outwards. At each stroke, as the weight swings towards the prow, there is just the least faint depression at its stem as the boat travels.

She circled the deck house six times, then went up to the bow and stared down the cutwater at the phosphorescence. Blue fire! The eternal marvel of the sea! A hand fell upon her shoulder. She thought it would be Denny's. It was Flint's! "Be a good sport, an' give us a kiss!" She drew back, but he caught her arm. His breath was foul with tobacco and whisky. "All right, I'll take it!"