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"He's got an ugly mug!" said Porter, as he wiped the man's face. "By Jove it's the brigand I noticed coming down on the boat! I told you he looked like a cutthroat." "Your natural intuition for character?" Derby smiled, but the next minute added soberly enough: "If he came from the mainland we must be up against a good deal more than the poor devils here! Who the deuce can he be?

'You have spoilt a good man, rejoined the margravine; 'and that reminds me of a bad one a cutthroat. Have you heard of that creature, the princess's tutor? Happily cut loose from us, though! He has published a book a horror! all against Scripture and Divine right! Is there any one to defend him now, I should like to ask? 'I, said Ottilia. 'Gracious me! you have not read the book?

"Are you not road-agents, robbers, and murderers, and are you not holding me here for ransom, after having robbed me of a large sum in my keeping?" "Yes, such is the case." "Then why wince under the name of cutthroat? But you have been away for some days." "I have." "You have seen your chief?" "I have." "And what message does he send?"

Then, careless-like, I began to peek at Rojas. They call Rojas the 'dandy rebel, an' he shore looked the part. It made me sick to see him in all that lace an' glitter, knowin' him to be the cutthroat robber he is. It's no oncommon sight to see excited Greasers. They're all crazy. But this bandit was shore some agitated. He kept his men in a tight bunch round a table.

Then the Mobed withdrew and the Marzban turned up. Afshin was asked whether he knew him, and said "No." Then the Marzban was asked whether he knew Afshin and said "Yes. This is Afshin." Afshin was then told that this was the Marzban and the Marzban turning to Afshin said; "Oh cutthroat, why do you prevaricate and shuffle?" Afshin said, "Oh you long-bearded one, what are you talking?"

It was a cutthroat business, this mighty pull for the market; but upon it not only depended the practical consideration of the highest market prices, but the honor and glory of owning the fastest schooner out of Freekirk Head. The task of the Charming Lass was delightful in its simplicity, but fearful in its arduousness. Jimmie Thomas came aft and stood by the wheel on the port side.

Sometimes he boarded his prisoners out of his own pocket. He himself was the state! His word was good, even to the worst cutthroat that ever he captured.

He was fighting fast but warily, for he realized that his present adversary was no mean one. As the swords played back and forth in fierce thrusts and parries, he spoke assuringly to Beverly: "Don't be frightened! As soon as I finish with this fellow, we will go on! Ah! Bravo! Well parried, my man! How the deuce could such a swordsman as you become a cutthroat of Marlanx?"

The man's brow darkened. "Know them?" said he. "I know them much too well. Perry is as ungodly a cutthroat as ever killed an emigrant in cold blood, and he's got in his gang nearly all those hounds that tried to hang me. Why do you ask, Major?" Sinclair handed him the despatches. "You are the only man on the train to whom I have shown them," said he.

He flew for that red-haired cutthroat; his weapons were his fists, that is, the knob-joints of the wings, and what a blow he could strike!