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Intermittent fevers and cutaneous diseases prevail, attributable, in all probability, to the great moisture and the insalubrious quality of the drinking water. All these islands are, generally speaking, hilly and broken. The forests produce good timber for building or cabinet work.

They proclaimed the old-fashioned truth, that an eruption can be rubbed back again into the system, not only without rubbing out its cause, but at the greatest hazard to the system, which is loudly announcing its difficulty in this cutaneous fashion.

In certain cutaneous disorders very prevalent in new settlements, he was considered to be infallible; and there was no woman on the Patent but would as soon think of becoming a mother without a husband as without the assistance of Dr. Todd. In short, he was rearing, on this foundation of sand a superstructure cemented by practice, though composed of somewhat brittle materials.

While the cutaneous glands are inner growths of the epidermis, the appendages which we call hairs and nails are external local growths in it. The lower mammals usually have claws instead of them; the ungulates, hoofs. The stem-form of the mammals certainly had claws; we find them in a rudimentary form even in the salamander.

I do; as flannel tends to keep the body at an equal temperature, thus obviating the effects of the sudden changes of the weather, and promotes by gentle friction the cutaneous circulation, thus warming the cold body, and giving an impetus to the languid circulation, and preventing an undue quantity of blood from being sent to the lungs, either to light up or to feed inflammation Fine flannel, of course, ought to be worn, which should be changed as frequently as the usual shirts.

The young shoots and leaves of chick-weed, for example, may be boiled and eaten like spinach, are equally wholesome, and can scarcely be distinguished from it. The juice expressed from the stem and leaves of goose-grass, taken to the amount of four ounces, night and morning for several weeks, is very efficacious in scorbutic complaints, and other cutaneous eruptions.

From these cases I contend, that the contagious matter of these diseases does not affect the constitution by a fermentation, or chemical change of the blood, because then they must have proceeded together, and have produced a third something, not exactly similar to either of them: but that they produce new motions of the cutaneous terminations of the blood-vessels, which for a time proceed daily with increasing activity, like some paroxysms of fever, till they at length secrete or form a similar poison by these unnatural actions.

In common with most maidens, at sixteen she became more sedate, reserved and thoughtful; at twenty she had finished her education. In 1878 she was seen by G. Stanley Hall, who found that she located the approach and departure of people through sensation in her feet, and seemed to have substituted the cutaneous sense of vibration for that of hearing.

Finally, the Carminative Balm, which can be employed by women in all stages of their toilet, will prevent cutaneous diseases by facilitating the transpiration of the tissues, and communicating to them a permanent texture like that of velvet.

The same method may be employed with equal advantage in the aqueous diabetes, so great is the sympathy between the skin and the stomach. To which, however, some application to the skin might be usefully added; as rubbing the patient all over with oil, to prevent the too great action of the cutaneous absorbents. I knew an experiment of this kind made upon one patient with apparent advantage.