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The next afternoon Jerome went to Miss Camilla's tea-party. Sitting in the arbor, whose interior was all tremulous and vibrant with green lights and shadows, as with a shifting water-play, sipping tea from delicate china, eating custards and the delectable plum-cake, he tasted again one of the few sweet savors of his childhood.

What was the surprise and grief of the infant Catiline, to find himself received, not with applause, but horror! He was accused of robbery, was threatened with Solomonic penalties, was finally condemned to penance at a side-table upon dry bread and water, while his innocent brothers and sisters were regaling upon chickens and custards.

Them that usually gets invalid broth don't understand our running out of it." "I forgot about the specials," Nancy cried. "That red-haired girl that we feed on custards and nut bread and that special cocoa Gaspard makes for her, she acted real bad. They get expecting certain things, and then they want them." "I'm sorry," Nancy said; "I'll make all those things to-morrow."

Families should always save their peach-kernels, as they can be used in cakes, puddings and custards. Half a pound of shelled sweet almonds. A quarter of a pound of shelled bitter almonds. The whites of three eggs. Twenty-four large tea-spoonfuls of powdered loaf-sugar. A tea-spoonful of rose-water. A large tea-spoonful of mixed spice, nutmeg, mace and cinnamon.

The second course had for its central dish a most dignified goose stuffed with chestnuts, a salad of vegetables garnished with rounds of beetroot opposite to custards in cups, while lower down a dish of turnips "au sucre" faced a timbale of macaroni.

Item: the said gibbets inclosed in a sea of jelly. Item: a tongue of beef with tomatoes, which rendered us all tongue-tied automatoes. Item: a compote of pigeons with caused us to think the angels had had a finger in it. Item: a timbale of macaroni surrounded by chocolate custards. The wines of Roussillon and those of the banks of the Rhone completely effaced those of Champagne and Burgundy.

Peter would find her deep in letters and documents, or find her who had loved to be idle, a few weeks ago busily sewing. Sometimes she gave him a long list of things to do for her in the village and the city, and every day she wrote notes Cherry, who had always hated to write notes! to thank the friends who had sent in flowers, soups, and jellies, and custards for the patient.

Numberless as had been the times he had heard her speak of Rite, he never had suspected it, but had always at the name pictured some indifferent child, some baby-friend, or cousin by courtesy. "She is not like her mother," said he, coolly. "The very antipodes, all her father. Bless me! What is this? A real Laudersdale mess, custards and cheesecakes, and I detest them both."

'Why, she says that no one can say there isn't a bowl of custard standing under the grate', said Little Peter. 'She may spae as much as she pleases', answered the man, 'but we haven't had custards in this house for a year and a day. But Peter begged him only to look, and he did so; and he found the custard-bowl.

Just as he was taking breath, a garçon entered with some custards and an enormous omelette soufflée, whose puffy brown sides bagged over the tin dish that contained it. "There's a tart!" cried Mr. Jorrocks; "Oh, my eyes, what a swell! Well, I suppose I must have a shy at it. 'In for a penny in for a pound! as we say at the Lord Mayor's feed.