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Put one cupful of sugar and two teaspoonfuls of water in a saucepan on the fire; stir constantly until it is quite a dark color, then add a half cupful of water and a pinch of salt; let it boil a few minutes and when cold, bottle. For coloring soups, sauces or gravies. In the making of confections the best granulated or loaf sugar should be used.

They went into the dining-room, where everyone spoke and ate in whispers, and the waiters flitted about like black and white ghosts; and while Thyrsis consumed a cupful of cold bouillon, and a squab en casserole, and a plate of what might be described as an honorific salad, he listened to the soft-voiced editor discussing the problem of his future career.

Line your pie plate with good crust, fill half full with ripe cherries; sprinkle over them about a cupful of sugar, a teaspoonful of sifted flour, dot a few bits of butter over that. Now fill the crust full to the top. Cover with the upper crust and bake. This is one of the best of pies, if made correctly, and the cherries in any case should be stoned.

When Pontius had drained the third cupful that Balbilla fetched for him he exclaimed, drawing a deep breath: "That was a drink I never tasted a better in the whole course of my life." "Muddy water out of a nasty earthen pitcher!" answered the girl. "And it tasted better than wine from Byblos out of a golden goblet."

She was pouring a flood of Yiddish endearments and diminutives about the newcomer, when the surprised practitioner arrived. Mrs. Simons scouted the idea of a nurse; she would come upstairs, her daughters would come upstairs what was it, one baby! Martie was allowed a cupful of hot milk, and went to sleep with one arm about the flannel bundle that was Margaret.

If there is rich gravy left, put it into a skillet, and cook tender in it, half a dozen sliced tomatoes, three shredded green peppers, a small sliced onion, and a cupful of raw potato cubes. Lacking gravy, cook in butter or bacon fat, and season to taste gravy requires less seasoning than plain fat. Add the meat, pour in a cup of boiling water, stir all well together, and cook for five minutes.

Stir until the sugar is dissolved, take from the fire, and, when cold, add the remaining cream and vanilla, and freeze. This quantity will serve six persons. CARAMEL ICE CREAM, No. 2 1 quart of cream 1 pint of milk 1/2 cupful of brown sugar 1/2 pound of granulated sugar 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla Put the brown sugar in a frying pan over the fire, shake it until it melts, burns and smokes.

Cut a pound of perfectly lean beef into small bits. Do not allow any particle of fat to remain. Put in a wide-mouthed bottle, cork tightly, and set in a kettle of cold water. Boil for three hours; pour off the juice, which is now completely extracted from the meat. There will be probably a small cupful. Season with a saltspoonful of salt.

So, to return to OUR walk by the ocean, if all that poetry has dreamed, all that insanity has raved, all that maddening narcotics have driven through the brains of men, or smothered passion nursed in the fancies of women, if the dreams of colleges and convents and boarding-schools, if every human feeling that sighs, or smiles, or curses, or shrieks, or groans, should bring all their innumerable images, such as come with every hurried heart-beat, the epic which held them all, though its letters filled the zodiac, would be but a cupful from the infinite ocean of similitudes and analogies that rolls through the universe.

Those who have a tendency to drink too much during warm weather will find very slow drinking helpful in correcting it. If there is any digestive weakness, the liquid taken immediately after a meal should be warm and should not exceed a cupful. Those with robust digestion may take cool water. Cold water chills the stomach.