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This " and I showed her the monk's crucifix "this was laid on my breast in the coffin. It may be useful to you you can pray to it presently!" She interrupted me with a gesture of her hand; she spoke as though in a dream. "You escaped from this vault?" she said, in a low tone, looking from right to left with searching eagerness. "Tell me how and where?" I laughed scornfully, guessing her thoughts.

With his right hand he held a crucifix to the blue lips that would never breathe a prayer to the Virgin again. The small mouth and refined features of the praying man were strangely out of keeping with his tempestuous surroundings. Unmindful, however, of wind and waves alike, he knelt and prayed audibly.

A crucifix was placed before Bertrande; she made a sign as if to push it away, endeavoured to speak, and feebly exclaimed, "No," then fell to the ground, and was carried out insensible. This scene considerably shook the opinion of the magistrates.

"I did desire, after delivering thy letter, to say, that it is my purpose to follow hard on the heels of Master Arundel, and also to caution thee to continue to keep carefully concealed, during my absence, the sacred crucifix, and whatever else might betray us to our enemies. Forgive me that I give this advice, but I see that thou hast relaxed thy watchfulness over the missal."

"Do your duty," said he to Gaillon; "and if any man raises a word of protest he shall swing from the other end of the yard." Gaillon needed no second bidding. The noose was swiftly thrown over Claude's neck; the rope was drawn tight, and the priest, on whom no man had ventured to lay a hand, stood holding the crucifix before his eyes, and murmuring the last offices of the Church.

He sent to a Catholic bookstore and obtained a small crucifix suspended from a string of beads. He ordered his new coat to be cut very narrow in the collar and to be made single-breasted. He began an informal series of religious conversations with Miss O'Brien, the young person of Irish extraction already referred to as Bridget, maid of all work.

The prison doors were draped with tapestries, box and myrtle strewed the ground, and the Governor received the condemned person and signed a receipt for his body. The happy man prostrated himself before the crucifix, was crowned with the olive garland, the Te Deum was intoned, and he was led away to the brotherhood's church, where he heard high mass in sight of all the people.

He came out with the others at last the candles and the folded hands over the crucifix left behind and walked as one in a dream. Even by the time that he had gained the outer doorway, and stood blinking at the bright light and filling his lungs with honest air once more, it had begun to seem incredible to him that he had seen and done all this. While Mr.

Times out of mind has he told me how she lay, with the black lashes on her white cheeks, and the black crucifix on her breast, that they were going to bury with her; the women howling, and me kicking up an indecent row in a cradle in the next apartment, carrying on like a Turk if the nurse came near me, and most outrageously disturbing the chamber of death.

On this work of art lay the pillows used at night, booty obtained at Haarlem; they were covered with bright but worn-out silk, which had long shown the need of the thrifty touch of a woman's hand. Pictures of the saints were pasted on the walls, and a crucifix hung over the door.