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The first cross-cut the man made, there was space for only three holes, so narrow had become the pay-streak and so close was he to the fountainhead of the golden stream he had been following for four days. "Be ca'm, Bill; be ca'm," he admonished himself, as he broke ground for the final hole where the sides of the "V" had at last come together in a point. "I've got the almighty cinch on you, Mr.

And all three stopped at once. The hollow sound was coming directly to them now. Harry once more brought out his carbide to light it for a moment and to examine the timbering. "It's a good job!" he commented. "You could n't tell it five feet off!" "They 've made a cross-cut!" This time it was Anita's voice, plainly angry in spite of its whispering tones.

For some distance, the drift, like the cross-cut, was lined with timbers, then the lining ceased, as they neared the end of the drift, where the miners were hard at work, drilling for fresh blasts, or tearing out the ore loosened by the last explosion, and loading it into the little car which stood ready to be run down the track to the station.

So he descended to the exchange of ordinary topics, and inquired for news of the creek. "Necia's ground is getting better every hour," the trader said. "Yesterday they found a sixty-dollar pan." "Have you struck pay on yours?" "No; Poleon and I seem to hold bad hands. Some of his laymen are quitting work. They've cross-cut in half a dozen places and can't find a color."

"It's by the bank of a little arroyo that runs into the Pilcomayo, some three or four miles above the big river. And, as I take it, not much further from where we are now. But we must make a cross-cut to reach it in the quickest time." This Gaspar says as they part from the barometer-tree.

The tense rope flew whistling like a giant fiddle-string into the air; the horses of the towing-team fell down in a heap, and the leader broke its neck his rider had wisely dismounted. The ship, relieved of the strain, altered its course suddenly, and began, with its bow to the northern shore, to cut obliquely across the river. Sailors call this bold maneuver the "Cross-cut."

He also explained the different kinds of saws the ripping saw, and the cross-cut saw, and the circular saw, and the eccentric saw just as if his mother were an embryo mill-wright, for he felt that she took a deep interest in it all, and Mrs Frog listened with the profound attention of a civil engineer, and remarked on everything with such comments as oh! indeed! ah! well now! ain't it wonderful? amazin'! an' you made it all too!

The result was that, on one of the attendant workmen omitting to do his duty, the saw not only ripped off a beautiful plank from a log, but continued to cross-cut the end of the heavy framework, and then proceeded to cut the iron which held the log in its place.

Taylor Bill and Blindeye Bozeman had been caught at work in a cross-cut tunnel which led to the property of the Blue Poppy mine, and one of them, at least, had admitted that the sole output of the Silver Queen had come from this thieving encroachment. Then Anita completed the recital, of the plans of the Rodaines to leave and of their departure for Center City.

Harlow and Easton enlivened the journey by coughing significantly whenever they met a young woman, and audibly making some complimentary remark about her personal appearance. If the girl smiled, each of them eagerly claimed to have 'seen her first', but if she appeared offended or 'stuck up', they suggested that she was cross-cut or that she had been eating vinegar with a fork.