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"How fine the gym. looks," remarked Anne. "They certainly must have worked hard to fix it up so beautifully." "Julia Crosby is largely responsible for it," answered Grace. "She has the most original ideas about decorations and things. You know the juniors always decorate for the seniors. It's a sacred duty." "Did you know that Julia was elected president of her class?" asked Jessica.

"Walked from Venley all but forty miles I came by train." "Well, then, you must walk a bit further and come home with me. Dick Crosby was my good friend, and you have saved the kitten and maybe Nellie herself from ill-usage. It's dinner time, so you are just right. Run, Nellie, there is mother watching at the door." They were walking now in a wider thoroughfare with better houses on either side.

"Let us suppose this to be the case, is it not just possible that there may be a legitimate reason for such a trick?" "I am ready to listen," said Crosby.

By return of post you'll get a letter from her telling you that she has abandoned all idea of proceedings against Crosby." "I'll bet you she doesn't," said Brook. "Anything you like. It's perfectly simple. I'll just make a will, leaving you nothing at all, if you marry her, and I'll send her a copy to-day. You'll get the answer fast enough." "By Jove!" exclaimed Brook, in surprise.

They caught the murderer at Billsport, not more than five miles from your jay burg. I was driving through the town when they brought him in. That's what made me late, dear," turning to Marjory. "Yes, and I'll bet my soul that here comes some one with the news," cried George Crosby, who had heard nothing of the tragedy until this instant. A rowboat containing three men was making for the landing.

Golf is bad enough. Oh, what's the use," he sighed heavily. "Been golfing, Crosby?" smiled the Countess. "Oh, call it that if you like," he growled. "Rotten game, that. Doctor's orders. A hundred and ten to-day. Couldn't hit the earth even and there were acres of it." "Living up to your reputation, Crosby," sneered Carol Gouverneur. "Sans putt et sans approach?" "You've struck it, young man.

Patty cast a fleeting glance toward Philip, as if appealing for help, and that young man, though engaged in a desultory conversation, whispered under his breath, "Ask him about the Aztecs." "Oh, yes, Mr. Crosby," said Patty, "it's about the the Aztecs, you know." "Ah, yes, the Aztecs, a most interesting race, MOST interesting, indeed. And what do you want to know about them, Miss Fairfield?"

"'Stop sawing gourds, says I, 'and sit up and take notice. The ghost's about to walk. I'm going away from here, and I owe you eight dollars. The expressman will call for my trunk. "I handed her the money. "'Dear me, Miss Crosby! says she. 'Is anything wrong? I thought you were pleased here. Dear me, young women are so hard to understand, and so different from what you expect 'em to be.

With ill-luck I might get burnt for a wizard. I promise you there is more understanding in me than you would give me credit for, and certainly I should not call such a flight as yours cowardly." "I shall be able to judge the better perhaps when I have heard your part of the tale," said Crosby. "That is by no means certain, for my part is as vague as yours," Fairley answered.

Pitt, "Benjamin Franklin learned his trade of printing, and Washington Irving, John Milton, and the painter Hogarth, all lived." From Smithfield they hastily betook themselves, by means of hansoms, to Crosby Hall, there to have luncheon. Mrs. Pitt laughed heartily when John said how glad he was to be able to eat amid ancient surroundings.