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They were now three or four squares away from the presidential mansion and were clothed in darkness, and silence save when the frozen snow crackled crisply under their feet. "You cannot go any farther with me," she said. "I have warned you before that you must not risk yourself in my behalf." "But if I choose to do so, nevertheless."

She was a brunette, with crisply waving hair, a small head, well-set, and deep yet brilliant eyes beneath arched and slightly meeting brows. Her complexion was pale, and her little aquiline nose showed thin, dilating nostrils.

The fire's slackening. It'll mean the end of Mallard's resistance in the fort. Ho there, Jeremy!" He leaned on the carved rail and issued orders crisply. The bo'sun's pipe shrilled out, and in a moment the ship that had seemed to slumber there, awoke to life. Came the padding of feet along the decks, the creaking of blocks and the hoisting of sail.

It seemed minutes to Betty that the car was falling, and she watched the others' behavior with a curious, semi-detached interest that was oddly impersonal. One of the men passengers began to claw at the gate frantically and the other kept muttering under his breath, softly and steadily, biting off his words crisply and quite unconscious of what he was saying.

"They rode toward the Upper End. You know the way, Burkitt?" He moved on toward the corral; Burkitt turned and came with him. "Sure I know the trail," muttered Tommy. "You're goin' to see what's wrong with 'em! Miss Judy, too! My God " "Bring out a couple of horses," Hampton commanded crisply. "We've lost time enough already." "I'll go tell Carson an' the boys " "I have already told Carson.

I couldn't tell up in the crowded districts if I was followed, could I? They won't come out into the open until their hands are forced." The car swerved sharply, rounded the corner, and, speeding up faster and faster, began to tear down Lower Broadway. "Watch! WATCH!" cried the chauffeur. There was no word between them for a moment; then Jimmie Dale spoke crisply: "It's turned the corner!

He speaks French well enough to address the Académie; he speaks English as well as a cultivated American, and no one speaks it more distinctly, more crisply, more trippingly upon the tongue, these days; he preaches a capital sermon; he is an accomplished binder of books; he is a successful and enthusiastic farmer, and he is frankly audacious in his loves and hatreds, his ambitions and his beliefs.

"I've met Lady Julia." "Do you like her?" Jimmy hesitated. "Well, you see " "I know. She's your hostess, but you haven't started your visit yet. So, you've just got time to say what you really think of her, before you have to pretend she's perfect." "Well " "I detest her," said Molly, crisply. "I think she's hard and hateful."

"Here, let me talk," commanded Marion suddenly, and took the receiver out of Jack's hand. "I'll tell you where he was," she called crisply to the accusing voice at the other end. "I was down the hill, right in the track of the fire, and I couldn't get back to the cabin at all, and ah this gentleman saw me through the telescope and ran down there and got me out of it.

"Chee!" he said indignantly. "Chee! Chee!" "No," said Calhoun. "We'll be crowded enough anyhow. We'll see her later." He nodded to one of the first four student pilots, who crisply made contact with the landing-grid office, and very efficiently supervised as the grid took the ship up. The other three of the four first-trained men explained every move to sub-classes assigned to each.