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The space between the river and the bases of the heights is small, and the city is somewhat cramped accordingly. But the Gere issues from the hills on the north, and gives some scope for the suburbs of the old town to creep up its banks.

'Keep your eye on this fellow, said the captain; 'If he flinches for a moment, blow his brains out instantly; we must glue him to us with blood. I will keep her in play till you creep alongside; and, once on board, cut every one down before you give no quarter. "My blood ran cold at this horrible order, and I determined upon doing all in my power to counteract its execution.

You will now step more fearlessly forward, and take your place among the great men of the earth, while I I will be anything; charm stones, work miracles, to win popularity and lay it at your feet. "Say that you love me once more, Norton, and then I will creep back to my pillow, the proudest and happiest woman on earth for, after all, it was only a picture!"

When Indians are travelling in a country where enemies are prowling, they guard their camps at night with jealous care. The horses in particular are both hobbled and picketed, and sentries are posted all round the camp. Yet, in spite of these precautions, hostile Indians manage to elude the sentries, and creep into the camp.

Still, however, if cases are often referred to them, the feeling will gradually creep in that the school is managed on republican principles, as they call it, and they will, unless this point is specially guarded, gradually lose that spirit of entire and cordial subordination so necessary for the success of any school.

'Then we shan't try anywhere else all this dark that's what we call the time between moon and moon and perhaps they'll string the tubs to a stray-line, and sink 'em a little-ways from shore, and take the bearings; and then when they have a chance they'll go to creep for 'em. 'What's that?

Before very long, sounds of life about, and later on within the house, warned him that he was not the only watcher now; and feeling very drowsy and weary, he resolved to creep upstairs and share Julian's couch for the remaining hours before the working day should commence. He had not been locked into the chantry.

You'll have the privilege of looking just down on the top of his head when he does come. I shan't stay much longer after that." "Where are you going?" "I don't mean to-day. But I should not have been here now, in this very place I mean, but I want to stick to you just at first. I shall move down below the gangway; and not improbably creep over to the other side before long." "You don't mean it?"

Yet, when escorted only by five hundred of his guard, for this was a peaceful visit, Pharaoh rode into the mighty city and saw how impregnable were its walls and how strong its gates; saw also that the streets were lined with thousands of well-armed troops, doubts which he dismissed as unworthy, did creep into his heart.

I notice an error in the artist's work which will be apparent to any one of moderate intelligence, and especially to the Englishman, viz., that the tin discovered by the Phoenicians is in the form of cans, etc., formerly having contained tinned meats, fruits, etc. This book, I fear, will be sharply criticised in England if any inaccuracy be permitted to creep in, even through the illustrations.