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To anything like a permanence of abode, or limitation of society, Henry Crawford had, unluckily, a great dislike: he could not accommodate his sister in an article of such importance; but he escorted her, with the utmost kindness, into Northamptonshire, and as readily engaged to fetch her away again, at half an hour's notice, whenever she were weary of the place.

Other refugees from the battle-field had brought the alarming news. He was asked many questions about Colonel Crawford, and Doctor Knight, and John Slover, and the score who were missing with them. He could tell little. All he knew, was, that he had escaped, and that he wished to get word to his mother, down in Virginia. He did not stay.

Oh! do write me soon, soon and tell me all about the garden, and the ash-tree, and the arbour, and the flowers, and old Neptune, your favourite, and everything. I remain, most affectionately, yours, PHEBE FORTUNE. "P.S. But Fortune is not my name. Oh, that I had a name worth writing! such a name as Lindsay, Crawford, Hamilton, Douglas.

It was very old, and consisted of three gables, a great half-round between two of them, and a low tower with a conical roof. Crawford had begun to recover consciousness, but when he came to himself he was received by acute pain. The least attempt to move was torture, and again he fainted.

The Crawford party now became the Troup party, and the contests that followed were the most exciting that ever took place in the State before, or that have ever taken place since. At that time the General Assembly elected the governor, the people selecting members favorable to the candidates they preferred.

Little did you think that night what was before you." "Little did any of us think that," said Susan sharply, "not being gifted with the power of prophecy. It does not require any great foresight, Sophia Crawford, to tell a body that she will have some trouble before her life is over. I could do as much myself." "We all thought the war would be over in a few months then," said Rilla wistfully.

Crawford Smith was taller and broader than on that memorable occasion but she recognized him instantly. It was evident that he did not recognize her. Mrs. Wyeth came to meet her. "Mary," she said, "you know Samuel, I think. You and he have met before. Samuel, will you introduce your friend?"

A brother minister, bearing no likeness to the worthy Graham, appeared on the same spot some time after. This was Chaplain William Crawford, of Worcester, who, having neglected to bring money to the war, suffered much annoyance, aggravated by what he thought a want of due consideration for his person and office.

Then, as a jury, they were dismissed, but from that moment the mystery of Joseph Crawford's death became the absorbing thought of all West Sedgwick. "The murderer of my brother shall be found and brought to justice!" declared Philip Crawford, and all present seemed to echo his vow. Then and there, Mr.

Alderman Ellis, as commissioners of the Court, occupied seats upon the bench, as did also Alderman Sheriff White. "Sheriff Sir Frederick Perkins, Mr. Under-Sheriff Hewitt and Mr. Under-Sheriff Crosley, Mr. R. B. Green, Mr. R. W. Crawford, M.P., Governor of the Bank. Mr. Lyall, Deputy Governor, and Mr. Alfred de Rothschild were present.