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But it was in size to that as as Leviathan to a minnow. From it streamed the same baffling suggestion of invincible force transmuted into matter; energy coalesced into the tangible; power made concentrate in the vestments of substance. Half-way between crater lip and floor began the hordes of the Metal People.

The area of the crater had become enormously vast to our imaginations, the growing thickets already impenetrably dense. "Good heavens! What fools we have been!" "It's evident that we must find it again," said Cavor, "and that soon. The sun grows stronger. We should be fainting with the heat already if it wasn't so dry. And ... I'm hungry." I stared at him.

She has made the chimney of the furnace make itself; and next she will make the furnace-door make itself. The melted lava rises in the crater the funnel inside the cone but it never gets to the top. It is so enormously heavy that the sides of the cone cannot bear its weight, and give way low down.

It is in reality a huge crater joined to the mainland by a narrow neck of sand. The town and cantonments are within the crater, and thus entirely surrounded by hills, except on the east, where it has a gap opening on East Bay. The town is neat and well built, and the fortifications entirely new.

The main interest of Tosari centres round the stupendous Bromo, possessing the largest crater in the world, a fathomless cavity three miles in diameter, veiled in Stygian darkness, and suggesting the yawning mouth of hell.

The principal reason I suppose was the direct line to Cemetery Hill was through the Seventeenth Regiment. Every Federal officer was directed over and over again to rush to the crest of the hill. The Federals being checked on the South of the "Crater" charged Company A, the extreme right Company, next to the "Crater."

"But that is impossible," I said shrugging my shoulders, and disgusted at such a ridiculous supposition. "Impossible?" said the Professor severely; "and why, pray?" "Because this crater is evidently filled with lava and burning rocks, and therefore " "But suppose it is an extinct volcano?" "Extinct?"

But at Vesuvius and Etna a lateral eruption constantly terminates by flashes of flame and by ashes issuing from the crater, that is, from the summit of the mountain. At the Peak this phenomenon has not been witnessed for ages: and yet recently, in the eruption of 1798, the crater remained quite inactive.

As the steam grows weaker, fewer and fewer stones fall outside, and more and more fall back again inside. At last they quite choke up the bottom of the great round hole. Perhaps, too, the lava or melted rock underneath cools and grows hard, and that chokes up the hole lower down. Then, down from the round edge of the crater the stones and cinders roll inward more and more.

Some brave men picked a path through the tangle, and, in spite of the cross-fire, managed to reach the German trench. They were very few. We have since discovered men in the craters even beyond the front German trench. The German officer told me that his men had afterwards found an Australian who had been lying in a crater in front of his line for four days.