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And let us thank him, too, for the sleigh-rides, cheered by the music of merry bells; for the crackling and rustling hearth, when the ruddy firelight gleams on hardy Manhood and the blooming cheek of Woman; for all the home enjoyments, and the kindred virtues, which flourish in a frozen soil.

To dart into the thick trees where the shadow lay deepest was the work of a moment. She stood and watched. But the underbrush was dense, and the crackling which she made attracted the man's attention. He stopped for a moment, and then rushed straight toward the place where she was. Beatrice gave herself up for lost. She rushed on wildly, not knowing where she went.

The pole fell across the deep road and its two heavy cables came in contact with the wires strung from the other poles below. Instantly the ravine was lit by a blinding flash of blue flame a flame that ran from wire to wire, from pole to pole, melting the ice that clung to them, hissing and crackling and giving off shooting spears of flame that threatened any passer-by.

I have been in hell I came in from my drive very quietly, it was early, a quarter to six, Miss Sharp goes at six It was a horribly chilly evening and Burton had lit a bright wood fire and I suppose its crackling prevented my hearing the sounds which were coming from the next room for a minute. I sat down in my chair . What was that? the roucoulements of a dove?

Their tongues shall be cut out. . . . Ah, my little, little child! . . . The Connetable dared he dared to tell me this evil gossip of the little one of my Guida!" He laughed contemptuously, but it was a crackling, dry laugh, painful in its cheerlessness.

So, leaving all things as I found them, I descended, and, having closed the trap, hung up the ladder as I had found it. In the first of the rooms there was a rough fireplace built into one corner, and as the air struck somewhat damp and chill, I went out and gathered a quantity of twigs and dry wood, and had soon built a cheerful, crackling fire.

Outside the dugout stood the remnants of the relieved company ready for the march, always two men abreast with a dead comrade on a tent canvas between them. A long procession, profoundly stirring in its silent expectancy, into which the hissing and crackling of shrapnel and the thunder of grenades fell like a warning from above to those who still had their lives.

The lower portion of the ledge, and the water all about it, was a crawling mass of horror that seemed to froth with blue light. And a confused noise of crackling, snapping and hissing arose from it. Every eye but Grôm's was glued in fascination to the baleful scene. But Grôm now thought only of using that pervasive light to best advantage while it should last.

The streaming lines of people raced on, and the horse snorted and plunged into the mass. Now the crackling as of paper burning in a brisk wind could be heard. There was a shout from the crowd. The flames had gained the Peristyle that noble fantasy plucked from another, distant life and planted here above the barbaric glow of the lake in the lustrous atmosphere of Chicago.

For a time the sharp crackling of all this musketry alone could be heard; and the uproar was still lasting when the children returned to the drawing-room, where lively quadrille music resounded from the piano. "I could enjoy a cake," murmured Mademoiselle Aurelie, as she sat down.