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"Drowning is so wet and chilly; and I 'm told it's frightfully unbecoming, into the bargain. As for drink, I hear it's nothing like what it's cracked up to be." "I daresay it is n't," admitted Anthony, with a sigh. "I suppose there's not the ghost of a chance for me?" he gloomed. "H'm," said Miss Sandus. "I suppose it would be madness on my part to speak to her?" he pursued.

Now the bed of it was strewn with broken trap and masses of boulders, cracked and dried by centuries of blistering sun. Philip's heart beat a little faster as he urged his horse ahead, and not for an instant did his cocked revolver drop from its guard over the mare's ears. He knew, if he overtook the outlaws in retreat, that there would be a fight, and that it would be three against one.

Whether the fellow wished it or not, he stopped there, then, at that minute! We stopped with such an almighty thud that it seemed as if the cars must fly into splinters. They rattled and shook and cracked. The passengers executed further acrobatic feats upon the floor; they clutched at things and fell over things and swore and gurgled. "Well, by thunder!" ejaculated Hawkins.

Bernard to take it in our path; toiling along where the ice cracked in the narrow footway, and the moon glittered on the waste of snow and glinted across the dark windows.

The times, however, were disturbed, and a wandering Cavalier or Roundhead soldier may have 'cracked the crib. Not many weeks later, Harrison's servant, Perry, was heard crying for help in the garden. He showed a 'sheep-pick, with a hacked handle, and declared that he had been set upon by two men in white, with naked swords, and had defended himself with his rustic tool. It is curious that Mr.

"You'll not get Bob over to Broom's at this hour," cried he. "Jan can't get him to Mother Hook's with her medicine after dark. Unless it's made up so that he can take it by daylight, they have to send for it." "What's that for?" asked Miss Deb. Master Cheese cracked on at his walnuts. "You have not heard the tale that's going about, I suppose, Miss Deb?" he presently said.

The officer hesitated for a moment, but thinking, perhaps, that he could best arrange the affair while sipping coffee, he finally took his seat upon an old box, while Smith helped him to a cracked cup minus a saucer. "Then there is no way of arranging this little affair, is there?" asked the officer, whom we now understood was Lieutenant Merriam.

Its walls were of clay that was bulged and cracked, and its roof was of rushes, which lay over it like sea-wreck on a broken barrel. Israel was in his right mind. He was sitting by the door of his house, with a dejected air, a hopeless look, but the slow sad eyes of reason. His clothing was one worn and torn kaftan; his feet were shoeless, and his head was bare.

It was a bright June afternoon when the three little girls and the two mothers got off the train at a little country station. Mr. White came to meet them. He and Billy, the hired man, piled all the trunks and bags in a wagon. Then Billy climbed up on the high seat and cracked his whip, saying, "Get-up! Get-up!" The horses pulled, the dust flew, and away the wagon went. Then Mr.

"Why, we'll go around to the cabins and coax or bully the people to let us make windows in their homes big, fine windows with glass that slides easy, up and down or sideways as one may prefer. I want it done before winter sets in." "They-all will think us all-around cracked!" "Let's try! Windows for sale! we'll cry. It will be mighty jolly."