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Harrington on the rebel side was heard to say: "'Charge the Lincoln hell-hounds! Give the cowardly dogs the bayonet! "This gave our troops that heard it a contempt for the man, and a determination to receive the charge in a soldierly manner.

Wait one minute," cried Dolan. "Wait one minute, sir. For what was you conniving against the big man? I know to win your game; to win your miserable little game. Ah, what a pup a man can be, Johnnie, what a mangy, miserable, cowardly little pup a man can be when he tries and a decent man, too. Money don't mean anything to you you got past that, but it's to win the game.

Is life to be led in a brave or in a cowardly manner? and is not the satisfaction of the doubts essential to all manliness? Is the name of virtue to be a barrier to that which is virtue?

I maintain that this stroke of the pen, given by me against my conscience, from a cowardly policy, would render me forever infamous, and unworthy of my ministry and my position." Fenelon no longer submitted his reason and his conduct, then, to the judgment of Bossuet; he recognized in him an adversary, but he still spoke of him with profound veneration.

His mind was in a mingled condition of amazement and satisfaction at his escape, triumph at the success of his plan, and indignation at the cowardly wickedness of the savages. A rollicking species of mad pugnacity took possession of him, and the consequence was, that the sounds which issued from his leathern throat were positively inhuman.

In this magnanimous exploit several fell dead, and hundreds were wounded; and this was done in cold blood, with the most savage ferocity, without the slightest provocation having been given by the people, and without one act of resistance, without ONE STONE, ONE STICK, or ONE FINGER having been raised even to resist, much less to provoke, such a bloodthirsty, such a cowardly, wanton, cruel, and murderous act.

Now, I like to be comfortable and happy, and you can't be if you're always doubting things and people and places. Eh, my dear?" "Where did you comfortable and doubtful parties come from?" asked the Cowardly Lion. "Strangers here?" "Well, yes," admitted the Camel, nibbling the branch of a tree.

There was a time when love and its service kept me in continuous joy, as waters invest a fish. I woke from a high dream. . . . And then, but for the fear of seeming cowardly, I would have extinguished my life as men blow out a candle. Vanity preserved me, sheer vanity!" He shrugged, spreading his hard lean hands.

But you didn't come back, and I repented of my mistake a thousand times. We all make mistakes, Jack!" His manhood revolted against being compelled to listen to her confession, her pleading. It was undignified, cowardly. It disgusted him and he hated himself for it, but what could he do? "Don't say that, Blanch," he answered gently. "It is I who should ask forgiveness.

Certainly if Groeneveld had been forgiven, it would have been impossible to punish the thirteen less guilty conspirators, already in the hands of justice, whom he had hired to commit the assassination. The spectacle of the two cowardly ringleaders going free while the meaner criminals were gibbeted would have been a shock to the most rudimentary ideas of justice.