United States or South Africa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

You'll know, and your country'll know, what's going on here in the hum of the dim bazaars. Ismail's got to see how things stand, and you've got to help me tell him. You've got to say I tell the truth, when the French gentlemen, who have their several spokes in the Egyptian wheel, politely say I lie. Is it too much, or too little, Yankee?" Renshaw almost gulped.

The doors had only just been opened; nevertheless as I set my foot upon the step I met the very gossip that I sought. "Hope you wasn't caught in the shower, this morning, sir?" said an old man seated solitary in an armchair in the corner of the bar-parlor. "But the country'll be all the better for the rain." He eyed me, and: "There's many a fine walk hereabouts," he averred.

The whole United States will ring with the scandal, and the country'll be too hot to hold him, even if he should be acquitted. He's a reckless young fellow. There's no knowing what he might do. He might " Ormsby did not finish the sentence. The detective muttered one comprehensive word. "Suicide." Ormsby nodded. "And the best thing, I should think," grunted the detective.

You'll be getting a pink note some day with violet scent on it; and then the country'll be steeped in the throes of a revolution." Goodwin had strolled up the street and met the boy with the message. The ox-eyed women gazed at him with shy admiration, for his type drew them. He was big, blonde, and jauntily dressed in white linen, with buckskin zapatos.

"I tell you the whole country'll go up like powder." If Steelman had not just reached Malapi from a visit to one of his sheep camps he would have known, what everybody else in town knew by this time, that the range for fifty miles was in danger and that hundreds of volunteers were out fighting the menace. His eyes glistened. "I'll not wear mournin' none if it does just that."

You oughta stayed there. That country'll go to work and come out with a loud report some day." "You've been there?" asked Hiram eagerly. "Been everywhere." "What do you follow?" Hiram used the new expression almost unconsciously. "I'm a promoter and capitalist." "A promoter and capitalist," Hiram repeated vaguely. "Yep. At present, though, I ain't workin' at the capitalist end.

Cummings took it, with an ugly little half smile; Dykeman rumpled his hair, and bolstered his anger by shouting at me, "This country'll go to the dogs if we make an exempt class of our returned soldiers. Break the laws they'll have to take the consequences, just as a man that was too old or too sickly to fight would have to take 'em.

So does Marcel. We both want you bad. Unaga it's a hell of a country, but you come along right up there with us, and I'll fix things so you'll be as happy as that darn country'll let you be. Julyman and Oolak are going along with us. They've quit the police, same as I have. I can't do without them, same as we can't do without An-ina. We're going there for the boy. Not for ourselves. It's the weed.

"The country'll be full of man-trackers and it'll go hard with the outlaws if they're captured." "You bet; but they won't be captured." "You are confident?" "I've a right to be. Then the young man ceased to speak suddenly, and his face became deeply suffused. The woman sprang up then and went to the young man's side, laying her hand on his shoulder.

I'm thinkin', though, 'twon't be many years afore white men'll git in here, and then the Injuns and painters, and sich like'll, hev to leave it. Why, there's lots o' gold jest above here. I've known plenty of scouts that hev brung it in. The white folks'll git hold of it one of these days, and then the country'll fill up like Californy. "Yer see thet little mountain right ahead of us, don't yer?