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Crisparkle mother, not wife of the Reverend Septimus was only just down, and waiting for the urn. Indeed, the Reverend Septimus left off at this very moment to take the pretty old lady's entering face between his boxing-gloves and kiss it. Having done so with tenderness, the Reverend Septimus turned to again, countering with his left, and putting in his right, in a tremendous manner.

"What?" "My plan!" "What plan?" "The plan for countering the effect of the shock at the departure of the projectile!" "Indeed?" said Michel Ardan, looking at the captain out of the corner of his eye. "Yes! water! simply water, which will act as a spring ah! Maston," cried Barbicane, "you here also?"

It has applications in a variety of areas such as countering WMD, terrorism, and perhaps other tasks. The challenge is that should deterrence fail, the execution of a response based on Rapid Dominance must be proportional to the threat, yet decisive enough to convey the right degree of Shock and Awe. Rapid Dominance cannot solve all or even most of the world's problems.

She restored the gun to her holster and looked steadily at him; he felt a certain shock in countering her glance. "Because I thought you might be lonely, Sally." "I was." It was strange to see how little fencing there was between them. They were like men, long tried in friendship and working together on a great problem full of significance to both.

In much the same way, we have tremendous potential resources on other non-military fronts to help in countering the Soviet threat: education, science, research, and, not least, the ideas and principles by which we live. And in all these cases the task ahead is to bring these resources more sharply to bear upon the new tasks of security and peace in a swiftly-changing world.

I am sorry to see that you differ from Him upon the point." Perhaps it was too bad of me to say that. I might have guarded without countering. Anyhow; it had the effect of ending an interview which was becoming oppressive. My visitor was too indignant to answer, and swept out of the room without a word.

This, however, is a point which would generally be detected by one of the three judges in the ring. What gives rise to question in players' minds is not any small point like this, so much as the question of timing and countering.

During the winter great activity in the German trenches near Verdun had led the French to expect an attack, but it was not till the end of January that aeroplane reconnoitering made certain the imminence of an offensive. As a first step in countering it, the French authorities prepared in the villages surrounding Bar-le-Duc a number of dépôts for troops, army supplies, and ammunition.

I have already referred to bombing and mentioned the attack on Dusseldorf as an instance of the work done. Bombing raids had always been looked on with favour by the R.N.A.S. and were used throughout the war as a means of countering hostile aircraft operations from bases in Belgium.

Parrying with the stick, thrusting in return at the face, and hitting sharp with the left hand, I managed to keep three or four of the party on and off upon their backs, receiving a slight cut with a sword upon my left arm in countering a blow which just grazed me as I knocked down the owner, and disarmed him.