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The history of the negotiations running through the fall and winter is a succession of propositions and counter-propositions, made formally by the chief participants or tentatively and informally through Neuville. The western boundary of the Louisiana purchase was the chief obstacle to agreement.

The British Ministry also published such documents as they saw fit, under the title of Papers relating to the Rupture with Spain. Choiseul replied with counter-propositions less humiliating to his nation.

For if, from education and organised habits of thought, the probability in this matter appears to a man to incline in a certain direction, when this probability is called in question, the whole body of this organised system of thought rises in opposition to the questioning, and being individually conscious of this strong feeling of subjective opposition, the man declares the sceptical propositions to be more inconceivable to him than are the counter-propositions.

The deputies, after conferring with their constituents in the city, returned on the following day with counter-propositions, which were not more likely to find favor with the government. They offered to accept the garrison, provided the soldiers should live at their own expense, without any tax to the citizens for their board, lodging, or pay.

Leoninus and Orange Steadfastness of the Prince Changes in the internal government of the northern provinces Generosity and increasing power of the municipalities Incipient jealousy in regard to Orange rebuked His offer of resignation refused by the Estates His elevation to almost unlimited power Renewed mediation of Maximilian Views and positions of the parties Advice of Orange Opening of negotiations at Breda Propositions and counter-propositions Adroitness of the plenipotentiaries on both sides Insincere diplomacy and unsatisfactory results Union of Holland and Zealand under the Prince of Orange Act defining his powers Charlotte de Bourbon Character, fortunes, and fate of Anna of Saxony Marriage of Orange with Mademoiselle de Bourbon Indignation thereby excited Horrible tortures inflicted upon Papists by Sonoy in North Holland Oudewater and Schoonoven taken by Hierges The isles of Zealand A submarine expedition projected Details of the adventure Its entire success Death of Chiappin Vitelli Deliberations in Holland and Zealand concerning the renunciation of Philip's authority Declaration at Delft Doubts as to which of the Great Powers the sovereignty should be offered Secret international relations Mission to England Unsatisfactory negotiations with Elizabeth Position of the Grand Commander Siege of Zieriekzee Generosity of Count John Desperate project of the Prince Death and character of Requesens.

Drat your picture, don't you know that the very pillars of financial success rest on counter-propositions?" "Listen, relative, listen: I haven't said a word to you, have I?" Matt replied. "No; but you looked it, and I'll not be looked at." "All right, Cappy, I'll not look. But I can't help thinking." "Thinking what?" "That it's about time you quit talking about retiring and retired!"

By the polemic of pure reason I mean the defence of its propositions made by reason, in opposition to the dogmatical counter-propositions advanced by other parties.

The deputies, after conferring with their constituents in the, city, returned on the following day with counter-propositions, which were not more likely to find favor with the government. They offered to accept the garrison, provided the soldiers should live at their own expense, without any tax to the citizens for their board, lodging, or pay.

In reply the Spanish government made counter-propositions to the effect that the questions arising out of the destruction of the Maine be submitted to arbitration and that the pacification of the island be left to a Cuban parliament. Meanwhile, the governor-general would be authorized to accept a suspension of hostilities, provided the insurgents should ask for it and agree to disarm.

He also sent others in his turn, so as to put the blame of the war upon the senators, and make some counter-propositions which saved his face but were impossible of performance by Caesar and those who sided with him. He intended not to fulfill one of their demands, well aware that they too would not take up with anything that he submitted.