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In that vast Hall of the Five Hundred, the most sumptuous room in the world, there is spread above the heads of the Doge and Senators and Councilors, as an incentive to the discharge of their duties on earth, a representation of the blessed in Heaven.

At the same time, Washington was declaring that nothing was to be expected from petitioning, and that he was ready to raise a thousand men and subsist them at his own expense, and march at their head for the relief of Boston; Thomson Mason was saying that he did not wish to survive the liberties of his country a single moment; Prescott of New Hampshire was affirming that "a glorious death in defense of our liberties is better than a short and infamous life"; Israel Putnam of Connecticut announced himself ready to treat the army and navy of England as enemies; and thousands of citizens in Massachusetts were compelling royal councilors to resign their places, and answering those who threatened them with the charge of treason and death with "No consequences are so dreadful to a free people as that of being made slaves."

The thought smote him abruptly and keenly; he stopped short, the expression of his face changed to a white consternation. The tumultuous memory of the moving platforms and the huge facade of that wonderful street reasserted itself. The shouting multitudes came back clear and vivid, and those remote, inaudible, unfriendly councilors in white.

The five councilors approved unanimously, and that very evening a letter was sent from the palace, signed by the bishop, and which contained in a postscript: "Answer at once, my dear abbé; or, better, come to see me, because I must submit my appointments to the government within three days." The letter arrived at St. Philémon the very day the tomtits were hatched.

Do you not wish me gone from Virginia?" "So I were with you, madam," I said bluntly, and went to call the minister down to supper. THE next day, Governor and Councilors sat to receive presents from the Paspaheghs and to listen to long and affectionate messages from Opechancanough, who, like the player queen, did protest too much.

His several councilors would be executive officials, responsible for particular departments of the public service; but they would exercise their authority through permanent departmental chiefs just as the Secretary of War delegates much of his authority to a chief of staff, or an English minister to a permanent under-secretary.

Among them, without any doubt, the women had a position of influence socially and even politically which often is not found among peoples of higher culture. These four women councilors, however, elected a Peace Sachem, who carried out the will of the clan in all matters pertaining to peace generally.

Another mad dash in quest of a new consultation. Thus the sessions would go by, to the great delight of the barber Cupido the sharpest and meanest tongue in the city who, whenever the Council met, would observe to his early morning shaves: "Holiday today: the usual race of councilors bare-back."

Women in England have been eligible for School Boards since 1870; have had the county franchise since 1888; have been eligible for parish and district councils and for various boards and commissions since 1894, and hundreds have served in the above offices. In 1907, as recommended in the address of King Edward, women were made eligible as mayors and county and city councilors, or aldermen.

Powhatan then desired to know the cause of his unexpected coming, and Mr. Hamor said his message was private, to be delivered to him without the presence of any except one of his councilors, and one of the guides, who already knew it. Therefore the house was cleared of all except the two Queens, who may never sequester themselves, and Mr. Hamor began his palaver.