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Phil regarded her with distrust, for he was often ordered away as a nuisance. He stopped playing, and, hugging his violin closely, regarded her watchfully. "You're to come in," said the girl abruptly. "Che cosa volete?" said Phil, suspiciously. "What do you want?" "I don't understand your Italian rubbish," said the girl. "You're to come into the house."

He lies there in his cabin in a deep stupor; memory, sight, and all sensation completely gone from him; dead but for the heart that beats on faintly, and the breath that comes and goes through the parted lips. Nino, de la Cosa, and the others come and look at him, shake their heads, and go away again.

Es cosa de mugeres, is the usual expression, should the subject be mentioned; and as regards the priests, the laity very generally fancy that they must be watched carefully, as they are certain to assume importance should an opportunity offer for thrusting their noses into any affair they can, military or civil it matters not which to these ambitious men.

In the watercourse, but at some distance, they saw the black crowd of men and women and beasts swarming over the hot stones. "How can they?" Maurice muttered, as he looked down. "Cosa?" He laughed. "I was thinking out loud. I meant how can they bargain and bother hour after hour in all that sun!" "But, signorino, you would not have them pay too much!" she said, very seriously.

One after another was killed, and finally La Cosa himself, who had been desperately wounded before, received a mortal hurt; while but one man remained on his feet.

In his extremity, he was rescued by La Cosa who had kept in hand a moiety of the shore party. The advent of La Cosa saved Ojeda. Infuriated at the slaughter of his men, Ojeda rashly and intemperately threw himself upon the savages, at once disappearing from the view of La Cosa and his men, who were soon surrounded and engaged in a desperate battle on their own account.

Mds. sean servidos de ó mandar á la dicha universidad que no innove cosa alguna acerca de la dicha cátreda, ni de otra cosa que me toque hasta que Vs. Mds. La una es sobre la cátedra del maestro Barrientos, en la cual mandan Vs.

I've got both him and the mother undher me jacket, av I could only rache thim." "Good!" cried the other. "Do!" "It's aisy for ye to say `Do', when I can't budge so much as my little finger." "Never mind. I'll arrange that," answered Raoul. "Hola, Senor!" shouted he to one of the guerilleros. "Quien?" "Que cosa?"

There was Pedro Margarite, a well-born Aragonese, who was destined afterwards to cause much trouble; there was Juan Ponce de Leon, the discoverer of Florida; there was Juan de La Cosa, Columbus's faithful pilot on the Santa Maria on his first voyage; there was Pedro de Las Casas, whose son, at this time a student in Seville, was afterwards to become the historian of the New World and the champion of decency and humanity there.

Signore! datemi qualche cosa, Signore!" until his legs, breath, and resolution give out at last; or, what is still commoner, your patience is wearied out or your sympathy touched, and you are glad to purchase the blessing of silence for the small sum of a baiocco. When his whining fails, he tries to amuse you; and often resorts to the oddest freaks to attract your notice.