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They are graven in the memory; they are on the Bleater's file. Let them be referred to. But from the infamous, the dark, the subtle conspiracy which spreads its baleful roots throughout the land, and of which the Bleater's London Correspondent is the one sole subject, it is the purpose of the lowly Tattlesnivellian who undertakes this revelation, to tear the veil.

He had two women for enemies, both resolutely against him in the matter of his marriage. Regina's correspondent and bosom friend, Cecilia, who had begun by disliking him, without knowing why, persisted in maintaining her unfavourable opinion of the new friend of the Farnabys.

"It is not," says Prentice Mulford, "the work that exhausts them, it is the mental condition they are in that makes so many old and haggard at forty." All that is needful now to ease up their burdens is to go to A newspaper correspondent, Annie Laurie, has told us all about the new kind of American girls just added to our country:

In short, the allegation that Chopin was "spoiled by the caprice of society," as the above-quoted correspondent puts it, is not only probable, but even very likely.

Fields: An unlucky accident drives me here to make a draft on you for fifty dollars, which I hope will not annoy you. I pray you do not whisper it to the swallows for fear it should go to , and he should print it in "Fraser." I am going instantly to the best book-shop to find some correspondent of yours to make me good.

Irregular as are the palaces of the Assyrian kings, there is for the most part no want of regularity in their sacred buildings. II. and No. The right-hand aisle in No. IV., having nothing correspondent to it on the other side, is thus an anomaly in Assyrian architecture. The patterning of the pillars with chevrons is also remarkable; and their capitals are altogether unique. No.

A disagreeable person is he who frequently sends letters to you without paying the postage, leaving you to pay twopence for each penny which he has thus saved. The loss of twopence is no great matter; but there is something irritating in the feeling that your correspondent has deliberately resolved that he would save his penny at the cost of your twopence.

"More than that," said I, "I am come to take up my abode in London." "Glad to hear it; and what have you been about of late? got anything which will suit me? Sir, I admire your style of writing, and your manner of thinking; and I am much obliged to my good friend and correspondent for sending me some of your productions.

Fischer has the scores of "Tannhauser" and "Lohengrin" in HIS library, and is very desirous not to be without the "Flying Dutchman" any longer. I have been informed by my correspondent that he is in the habit of conducting from HIS OWN scores, and has taken much trouble to get that of the "Flying Dutchman," but so far without success.

"So your Excellency has been unfaithful to the Muses to follow Themis," emphatically declared our mythical or mythological correspondent. "Pshaw, what would you have? To run through the entire social scale was always my dream. Yesterday I was gathering flowers and singing songs, today I wield the rod of justice and serve Humanity, tomorrow "