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She is none other than your mother, a very worthy person, whose only object in life is your comfort and advancement. And if he doubted my word, I should bring him to his mother's house some baccarat night; and there would be a scene of recognition worthy of Fargueil's genius." Any man but M. de Coralth would have had some compassion, for Madame d'Argeles was evidently suffering agony.

He had not seen the Marquis de Valorsay since the Count de Chalusse's death and he dared not conclude the contract with Wilkie before he had conferred with him, for he was completely in the marquis's power. At the least suspicion of treason, M. de Valorsay would close his hand, and he, Coralth, would be crushed like an egg-shell.

Few of the players deigned to raise their heads. But one man growled, "Good two more players!" And four or five young men exclaimed, "Ah! here's Ferdinand! Good evening, my dear fellow!" M. de Coralth was very young and remarkably good-looking, almost too good-looking, indeed; for his handsomeness was somewhat startling and unnatural.

At sight of the man who had so long been his model the friend who had advised what he styled his blunder Wilkie was so surprised that he almost dropped his lamp. Then as his wrath kindled, "Ah! so it's you!" he exclaimed, angrily. "You come at a good time!" But M. de Coralth was too much exasperated to notice Wilkie's strange greeting.

Meanwhile, the baroness energetically denied her husband's charges. She swore that she did not know what he meant. What had M. de Coralth to do with all this? She commanded her husband to speak more plainly to explain his odious insinuations. He allowed her to speak for a moment, and then suddenly, in a harsh, sarcastic voice, he interrupted her by saying: "Oh! enough! No more hypocrisy!

How could she hope to keep a secret which was known to Baron Trigault, M. Patterson, the Viscount de Coralth, and M. Fortunat four persons! She had confidence in the first two; she believed she had a hold on the third, but the fourth Fortunat! The hours went by; and still Job did not return. What was the meaning of this delay? Had he failed to find the baron?

He had only seen him personally once or twice, and had never spoken to him. Later too late he discovered what vile intrigue it was that he had served. And when he became sincerely repentant he loathed this Coralth who had caused his crime. Nor was this all. The recognition of Coralth had inspired him with remorse.

If he brought me a bill this morning, it was only because you had begged him to do so, and because it had been agreed he should give you the money back if I paid him. In short, if you require twenty-eight thousand francs before to-night, it is because M. Fernand de Coralth has demanded that sum, and because you have promised to give it to him!"

His mother's noble words found an echo in his own heart, and he now looked upon suicide as an act of madness and cowardice. Madame Ferailleur felt that the victory was assured, but this did not suffice; she wished to enlist Pascal in her plans. "It is evident," she resumed, "that M. de Coralth is the author of this abominable plot. But what could have been his object?

She had struck the right place this time, and with such precision that M. de Coralth turned livid, and made a furious gesture, as if he were about to fell her to the ground. "Ah, take care!" he exclaimed; "take care!" But his rage speedily subsided, and with his usual indifferent manner, and in a bantering tone, he said: "Well, what of that?