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The fire had been lighted, and a row of wild hens turned slowly on wooden spits over the flames. One by one the warriors were rousing and stirring about among the trees. There were shouts and calls, and the grumbling talk of the cooks as they held the long spits and turned their faces away from the smoke, which rose but slowly in the damp, heavy air.

Then I had some rough kitchens extemporised outside of it; and sent for loads of turkeys from Baytown; and for days before and after Christmas my band of cooks were busy, roasting and baking and cake-making. Coffee was brewed without measure, as if we had been a nation of Arabs.

I have given the simplest and best method of making ice-cream, yet the way most in use is to add custard; and French cooks always useméringue paste,” claiming that it insures a smoothness and lightness nothing else can give. Custard for Ice-Cream. This is made as any other custard, except that double the amount of sugar is allowed for everything that is to be frozen.

Taking up, without irreverence, the magnificent hyperbole of the beloved disciple, I may truly say, "that if they should be written, every one, I suppose the world itself would not contain the books that would be written." Let us touch one or two points very briefly. I have said that men can furnish houses more artistically than we, and that as professional cooks they surpass us.

Fruit should boil rapidly before the sugar is added, and quietly afterwards when preserves seem likely to become mouldy, it is generally a sign they have not been sufficiently boiled, and it will be requisite to boil them up again fruit for bottling should not be too ripe, and should be perfectly fresh; there are various methods adopted by different cooks: the fruit may be placed in the bottles, and set in a moderate oven until considerably shrunken, when the bottles should be removed and closely corked; or the bottles may be set in a pan with cold water up to the necks, placed over the fire; when the fruit begins to sink remove them, and when cold fill up each bottle with cold spring water, cork the bottles, and lay them on their sides in a dry place.

"And I found it amusing to be with cooks and the coachmen, and dull with our gentlemen and ladies," she said. "Then when I came to understand things I saw that our life was altogether wrong; I had no mother and I did not care for my father, and so when I was nineteen I left home, and went with a girl friend to work as a factory hand."

"And he cooks his food himself, and does his own room, they say; and all the rest of his time he writes a book!" "A perfect crank!" The Art Critic who had smiled was like all men a subject for pity rather than for blame. An Irishman of real ability, he had started life with high ideals and a belief that he could live with them.

"He does," laughed Jack. "That's the way camp cooks announce food is ready in the cow camps, as I understand it. And Gabby Pete is an old cowman." "Well, lead me to it," said Frank, and all followed Jack into the house. "Well, now, boys, let's see where we stand," said Mr.

The fatigues have to be stopped at dawn, although the engineers protest against the masses of stores which uselessly fill the depot. We sleep from six to seven in the morning. In the last traces of night we emigrate from the cave, blinking like owls. "Where's the juice?" we ask. There is none. The cooks are not there, nor the mess people. And they reply: "Forward!"

Shun, moreover, certain personages called cooks and scullions; you will know them by their paper caps, their tucked-up sleeves, and the great knives which they wear at their sides. They are licensed assassins, who track our steps without pity and cut our throats without giving us time to cry mercy. And now, my child," she added, raising her claw, "receive my blessing. May St.